Now showing items 1-20 of 126

      Face Threatening Acts (FTAs), Standing Orders, Politeness, Politics, Mitigation, Members of Parliament (MPs), Effective Communication, Ideological Communication. [1]
      factorization; matrix form; accuracy levels; boost transformation; renormalized momentum; confinement PACS Nos. +00.; 04.62. + v; 12.39. − x; 12.39.Jh; 12.39.P n; 98.80.Cq; 98.70.V c [1]
      Factors influencing procurement performance [1]
      Factors, Influencing Principals’ Leadership, ICT, Integration [1]
      faith brand, self-affirmation, female Pentecostal-Charismatic leaders, social responsibility, Kenya1This article is based on a conference paper presented at the 9thInternational and Interdisciplinary Glopent Conference, which took place on the 10-11 June 2016, Uppsala University, Sweden. I acknowledge the very helpful feedback provided during the conference. [1]
      Fall Armyworm, Maize (Corn) Value Chain, Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts, Striga Weed [1]
      FAMACHA© chartHaemonchus contortusGastrointestinal nematodesGoatsKenyaAnaemiaControl [1]
      Family History of Diabetes Mellitus,History of Macrosomia Births,History of Preterm Births,Gestational Weight Gain [1]
      Family planning [1]
      Family planning · Men · Gender norms · Kenya · Contraceptive use [1]
      Farm diversity, profitability, technology, Uganda. [1]
      Farm Management; Livestock Production/Industries (search for similar items in EconPapers) [1]
      farmed; microbial counts; microbial-diversity; wild [1]
      Farmer Management Skills, Aquaculture farms, Economic Stimulus Program [1]
      farmer, researcher, methodology, crowd science, crowdsourcing, participatory research [1]
      Farming, Food production, basic livelihoods [1]
      Farmyard manure, lime, phosphorus, soil acidity, residual effects, western Kenya [1]
      Farmyard manure, Lime, phosphorus, soil acidity, Tithonia diversifolia ________________________________________________________________________ [1]
      Fasciola gigantica; in vitro excystment and gut-penetration; tegumental ; ultrastructure and cytochemistry; glycocalyx; parasite defence; innate and acquired immunity. [1]
      Fasciola gigantica; in vitro excystment and gut-penetration; tegumental ultrastructure; glycocalyx; autophagy; vaccine target molecules. [1]