Now showing items 19-38 of 63

      Correlation, Teacher factor and Functional Writing Skills. [1]
      COVID-19,onlineteaching,OER,MOOC. [1]
      Cybersecurity in Education, Innovations for Teacher Training, Cybersecurity in Online Learning, Teacher Empowerment, Cybersecurity Training for Teachers [1]
      Digital Literacy Programme, Computer skills, digital devices, laptop computer, teachers, schools [1]
      E- learning, online supervision, ecampus, postgraduate research, blended supervision. [1]
      E-Learning, ICT integration, ICT education, new partnership for Africa’s development (NEPAD) [1]
      Early childhood development and education, Teaching and learning [1]
      English speaking country; Non-native students; Ph.D. study abroad; Skinner’s reinforcement theory; Conceptual metaphor theory [1]
      gender [1]
      Gender mainstreaming, gender equality, distance learning, social inclusion, sustainable development, learning resources [1]
      gender, gender differences, academic achievement, kiswahili language, county evaluation. [1]
      Home Science Curriculum, policy, evaluation. [1]
      Home science education, contextual policy analysis, impact, curriculum evaluation. [1]
      ICT integration, level of ICT integration, teaching of English [1]
      ICT integration, Teacher preparedness, Pedagogical Integration, Performance. [1]
      ICT, Level of Competency, ICT Integration, English Subject, Secondary Schools, Kenya [1]
      Influence, Integration, Information Communication Technology, Performance. [1]
      instructional media, teaching-learning process, secondary schools [1]
      Kenya [1]
      learners’ attitude, challenges, strategies [2]