Uchanganuzi wa umilisi wa kiisimu wa wanafunzi wa lugha ya kiswahili katika chuo kikuu cha Maseno nchini Kenya
The research has been kindled by the fact that a big percentage of linguistics studies in Kis-wahili in the Kenyan universities is affected by the use of different linguistic vocabularies used during the teaching and learning process. The situation has diminished the growth of linguistics competence and affected the level of competence among Kiswahili learners. This research aimes at analyzing the linguistic competence of Kiswahili students at Maseno Uni-versity. The objectives of the research were to identify the level of linguistic competence of Kiswahili learners at Maseno University, to evaluate the main cause of linguistic competence change of Kiswahili learners, to indentify the effects of sheng’ on competence of linguistics in Kiswahili language and to identify the challenges that are faced by the lecturers and learn-ers in their linguistic classes in Maseno university. This study is based on the theories of Lin-guistic Competence by Lehmann and Motivation and Attitudes in learning second language by Gardner. Maseno University has been chosen because linguistics in Kiswahili is taught in all universities in Kenya and the results of the research would represent other universities. Also the area would give the required data. The study employs a cross-sectional research de-sign. Cluster sampling was used to select first and fourth year students. Purposive random sampling was used to select sixty six first year students and fifty five fourth year students. Judgmental sampling was used to select three lecturers who took part in the study. Data was collected using, interviews, questionnaires and examination. A pilot study was conducted to test the reliability of the instruments of the study. Data was presented and analyzed qualita-tively and quantitatively by establishing analytical categories from statements of respondents. The study finds out that when students enter the university they have low linguistic compe-tence in Kiswahili. The study highlights the indicators that show linguistic change in Kiswa-hili students and the effects of sheng’ on linguistic competence in Kiswahili language. Lastly, the study analyzes the challenges faced by the students and lecturers in the teaching and learning process. The findings are important in that the linguistics learned will be able to im-prove the student’s competence in Kiswahili and therefore make them better speakers of the Kiswahili language. The study recommends that changes be made on the mode of teaching of linguistics in Kiswahili so as to ease the vocabularies used, the study recommends that more be done on alternative ways of measuring linguistic competence and the study also recom-mends that more research be done on effects of first languages on Kiswahili linguistics