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Gender differences in the relationship between students’ attitude towards chemistry curriculum and achievement in secondary schools in Matayos sub-county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)Chemistry is one of the essential science subjects in most scientific courses at the university level. From the year 2013 to 2016, analysis of the chemistry results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) ... -
Effectiveness of in-service training of teachers on competency based formative assessment of mathematical activities in public pre-primary schools in Gem sub-county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)Competency Based Formative Assessment (CBFA) is a key component of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) education reform initiative in Kenya. Effective in-service training of teachers is crucial for the conduct of CBFA ... -
Selected school based factors’ influence on value addition in secondary education in public secondary schools in Rachuonyo South sub-county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Value addition operates on a pretest to post test results scenario to determine the value added by schools to students’ academic progress. When the post test results are lower than the pretest results, value added is ... -
Analysis of the impact of the stack system on learner engagement, performance, and perception on its use in mathematics at Maseno University, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Feedback plays a crucial role in enhancing student learning outcomes. In large classes it is instrumental in maintaining student engagement, motivation, and overall academic performance by addressing misconceptions, and ... -
Perceptions of students and administrators on peer pressure as a predictor of selected students’ behaviors in secondary schools in Homa bay town sub county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)A favorable school atmosphere, in which learners are well behaved, is one of the greatest concerns of education stakeholders. Although studies have reported a number of factors that lead to misbehavior among students in ... -
Teachers’ perceptions on the influence of life skills education on moral behavior of students in secondary schools in Emuhaya sub county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)The Ministry of Education has been long aware of the need to adopt Life Skills Education as a remedy to the challenges that the youth face. The prevalence of teenage pregnancy, school dropout, alcoholism, early marriages, ... -
Effectiveness of teacher performance appraisal and development (TPAD) implementation in secondary schools management in Gucha sub-county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)The TSC inistituted Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development tool (TPAD) in 2016 with a view of improving school educational outcomes. However, there have been active resistance by teacher trade unions against ... -
Determinants of dropout and transition rates in public primary Schools in Kisumu East sub county Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)The government of Kenya re-introduced Free Primary Education in 2003 to enhance access, retention and transition. In Kisumu East Sub County, dropout rate is higher and transition rate lower than the neighboring Sub Counties ... -
Relationship between information communication technology usage and administrative quality of principals in public secondary schools in Homabay County, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)In the globalized economies, countries require an ICT literate workforce to enhance participation in the knowledge economy. Education sub-sector in Kenya has embraced information communication technology (ICT) in school ... -
Influence of substance use/abuse on adolescents’ social behavior in public secondary schools in Kisumu East sub-county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Substance use/abuse as shown by many studies is a serious problem in Kenya and world over. Studies indicate adolescents’ substance use and abuse in secondary schools affect social behaviour. Strikes, stealing, running away ... -
Types of intelligence, personality types and their relationship with gender and career choice among first year undergraduate students in a selected public University, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)Training institutions all over the world place high premium on those who excel in examinations. In Kenya, students are admitted into available undergraduate degree programmes based on their performance in Kenya Certificate ... -
Influence of students’ mental health and school climate on unrest and coping strategies in secondary schools in Kisii county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2023)School unrest is a concern worldwide today. Unrest in Kenyan secondary schools has been on the rise despite measures put in place to curb it. Kisii County has not been spared. Reports from Kisii County Educational Directorate ... -
Influence of selected determinants on performance in English grammar among class seven profoundly deaf learners in primary schools for the deaf in the lake region, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2022)English language is one of the key subjects in career development and is a compulsory subject in both primary and secondary schools’ curriculum in Kenya. Performance of learners who are deaf in English language in Kenya ... -
Factors influencing implementation of orientation and mobility programme for learners who are blind in selected special primary schools for visual impairment in Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)Independent movement offers learners who are blind connection to the world, hence the need for training in Orientation and Mobility (O & M) skills before achieving purposeful mobility. In Kenya, training in O & M skills ... -
Effects of psychosocial and work condition on job satisfaction Of public secondary school female principals in Siaya county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2022)The 2010 Constitution enhanced affirmative action to boost women’s participation in educational leadership in Kenya. However, in Siaya county female principals face problems in their leadership roles and work conditions ... -
Transition of learners with intellectual disabilities from school to community opportunities and challenges in Busia county- Kenya
(Maseno university, 2022)The aim of establishment of the schools for learners with Intellectual Disability was to ensure that they live an independent life in the community. A baseline survey conducted in Busia County in 2017 indicated, 347 Learners ... -
Relationship between educational resources and pupils’ Academic performance in public primary schools In Kisumu county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)Public primary schools in Kisumu County have been posting low academic performance, for example in 2019 they had an average mean of 259.16 compared to schools in the neighbouring counties of Vihiga (265.38), Nandi (265.59) ... -
Exploration into effective use of pedagogic approaches and adequacy of activities in teaching and learning resources Used to develop creative writing skills in upper primary classes in Vihiga county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)Creative Writing (CW) entails the artistic use of written language to conceptualize, explore and record experiences in a unique way. It is a language skill required by a learner for personal and academic development. ... -
Assessment of integration of e-resources in teaching and learning of English language in public secondary schools In Kakamega county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)Integration of e-resources in education enhanced growth of knowledge based society. It created positive impact on curriculum implementation. Kenya invested in technology considerably with a belief to support and transform ... -
The role of parents in promoting self–reliance skills to learners with moderate mental disabilities in special primary schools, Busia county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2021)Self-reliance skills amongst learners with moderate mental disabilities are essential for their progress and development. Learners are expected to leave school after mastering self-reliance skills which are taught in special ...