dc.description.abstract | The TSC inistituted Teacher Performance Appraisal and Development tool (TPAD) in 2016 with
a view of improving school educational outcomes. However, there have been active resistance by
teacher trade unions against training on TPAD usage. Out of the 160 teachers interdicted
nationally, 42 cases (26.25%) were from Kisii County with Gucha leading with 15 cases (35.7%).
Evident training non-receptiveness created doubt as to whether teachers, being their own TPAD
evaluators were effectively implementing it. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to establish
effectiveness of TPAD implementation in Gucha sub-county secondary schools. The objectives
were to: establish effectiveness in TPAD tool’s implementation for enhancing teacher lesson
attendance; to determine the effectiveness of TPAD tools implementation for enhancing syllabus
coverage; to examine the effectiveness of TPAD tools implementation for maintaining learner
discipline and to establish the effectiveness of TPAD implementation in enhancing school
management. Locke’s (1968) goal-setting model formed the study's theoretical basis. The study
used descriptive survey design. Target population comprised 1 Director, 21 principals, 115 HODs,
254 teachers, 194 class secretaries. Satulated and stratified random sampling generated reliable
key informants; the sub county director, 21 principals, 115 HODs, 169 teachers, 132 class
secretaries. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, and inteview schedule. Before
administration, the instruments were examined by experts from Maseno university to establish
validity. 2 Principals, 10 HODs, 58 teachers and 29 class secretaries from Sameta Sub-County
were involved in instrument piloting using test- retest method to ascertain reliabilty. A reliability
coefficient of 0.82, 0.76, 0.80 and 0.78 respectively was established. A reliability coefficient of
above 0.75 was considered adequate. Quantitative data based on the responses was analysed by
use of SPSS version 22.0 and descriptive statistics generated namely: frequencies, percentages and
then presented using tables. The study used inferential statistics; pearson’s product moment
correlation test, regression test, hypotheses test and one way ANOVA. Regression model obtained
a unit change on implementation of TPAD tools in while holding other factors constant would
enhance lesson attendance, syllabus coverage, learner discipline and school management by a
factor of 0.620, 0.600, 0.510 and 0.792 respectively. From the coefficient table, the value for
implementing TPAD tools for lesson attendance, syllabus coverage, learner discipline and school
management were all 0.000 which is less than 0.05. Since the p-value of 0.000 is less than 0.05,
all the null hypotheses collapsed. ANOVA test showed TPAD implementation had significant
effect on all the independent variables as the value of significance (p-value) was less than 5%. The
calculated value was greater than the critical value (68.893 > 4.49). The study recomends that to
enhance lesson attendance, all the stakeholders including class secretaries, teachers, HODs and
Principals, need to be trained effectively on every specific aspect of TPAD; proper infrastructure
measures and capacity building should also be put in place to improve syllabus coverage; there is
need for participative decision making processes on disciplinary policy in secondary schools and
that TSC should encourage teachers to involve goal-setting practices associated with attainment
of goals for effective school management. | en_US |