Perceptions of Relationship between School-Based Management, Program quality and Student Achievement
Abstract/ Overview
Many claims are made for the burgeoning phenomenon of schwl-based
management. In this study , perceptions held by principais and school dismct
administrators of relationships between school-based management, the quality of
educational programs and student achievement were examined.
Data were obtained, as a case study, through the administration of a
questionnaire survey to all 21 principals in an Alberta school district. Content,
derived from the literanire, focused on influences and impacts of the phenomenon.
A purposive sample of 10 principals and district administrators was administered a
semistnictured interview, and a document survey and anaiysis were undertaken.
Questionnaire content formed the basic structure by which the data from aii
sources were analyzed. Fortyeight findings emerged, from which a range of
wnclusions was reached.
Linkages between school, school district, and provincial policy statements
about school-based management demonstrated a focus on the enhancement of
student achievement as a process outcorne. P~cipalasn d district administrators
were cognizant of the focus. Schwl-based management was exerting a positive
influence on the qaty of school programs. Such influence was not uniform, with
the nature and degree of the causaiity unclear, although flexibility emerged as one
important element. Better resource use, enhanced instructional policy and program
initiatives, goal setting , accoun tabili ty , and enhanced professional developmen t
also emerged as contributing elements.
Little evidence emerged of perceptions of causal linkaging between schoolbased
management and student achievement, and resemations were held that such
linkages would be established, thereby placing doubt on claims made in the
literature. Perceptions emerged that the phenomenon was exerting a positive
influence on principals' instructional leadership, notably in sethg and monitoring
school-wide academic standards.
Time constraints and tensions between managerial and pedagogical roles
emerged as major influences on both program quality and student achievement
The site-specific nature of school-based management and the relatively small
size of the school district meant that no claims for generahability were made for
the study beyond the research site. Eight recommendations for practice and
research in the district were made. These may be usehl for schools and schwl
districts contemplating school-bas& management.