Assessment of male attitudes towards family Planning in Kisumu city, a case study Of Migosi estate, Kisumu city, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
In spite of the commendable efforts that have been made by several scholars,
governments, public and private organizations or even individuals in encouraging the use
of family planning practices; millions of people continually languish in the abject effects
of the poor family planning practices and attitudes. Even more worryingly, many studies
indicate that there is a limited involvement of men at homes, health arenas, market places,
government offices and religious places in encouraging good family- planning practices
and methods. As a result, workers in such places are increasingly becoming vulnerable to
consequences like unwanted pregnancies or even contracting HIV and AIDS. Essentially,
it was with this need in mind that this study on assessment of male attitudes towards
family planning methods-with special focus being on men in Migosi Estate of Kisumu
City, Kisumu County was proposed. The specific objectives of the study were: to
establish family planning methods used by men in Kisumu City, to determine the level of
awareness of men on family planning practices in Kisumu City and to examine factors
that influence men's attitude towards family planning methods used in Kisumu City. The
study was guided by Social learning theory advanced by John Lock. Cross-sectional
descriptive survey design was adopted as a blue print to guide the study. The study
targeted 9182 men residing in Migosi area. The sample size of the study was 336
respondents. Systematic sampling technique was applied in identifying the 336 sample
respondents who participated in the study area. The primary research instruments used in
the study included questionnaires, key informant interview guide, focus group discussions
guides and observation schedule. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive
statistics in the form of frequencies and percentage tables. Qualitative data was
transcribed, organized into various emerging themes and reported narratively. Findings of
the study revealed that; 75% of male respondents in Migosi area preferred the use of
condoms to plan their families. 95% of male respondents acknowledged that that family
planning enabled them to plan their families. Results of the study revealed that 37.5% of
respondents acquired information on family planning practices was through open
discussion. Findings of the study also revealed that 70.8% of men demonstrated negative
attitude towards family planning. 84% of men felt that family planning is directly linked
to women and were therefore passively concerned with it. The study concluded that
majority of male respondents in Migosi area preferred the use of condoms to plan their
families. The most popular means through which men acquired information on family
planning practices was through open discussion. Most spouses adopted family planning
practices for birth spacing and birth control. Majority of men demonstrated negative
attitude towards family planning. Regarding perceived side effects of family planning
1l1etllods,the study discovered rhat use of condoms by male respondents. had minimum
side effects while vasectomy was identified as the family planning method with
maximum side effects. Based on the study fmdings, the following recommendations were
made: The Government and other relevant stakeholders should manufacture plenty of
condoms and distribute them to all public hospitals or any public place within reach to
reduce bottlenecks in accessing condoms; awareness campaigns should be initiated by
medical practitioners besides the popular open discussion channels in order to augment
public level of awareness on the importance of family planning; seminars should be
organized for men by relevant stakeholders aimed at stirring them to take-up their rightful
places as family heads by spearheading the implementation of family planning practices
at family levels. Implementations of these recommendations would assist in bridging the
disparity gap regarding men's sexuality, family health and family life education in
Kisumu City, Migosi Estate.