Stock price dynamics for Prices in Nairobi security Exchange
Abstract/ Overview
In this study we analyze the stock prices movement in the Nairobi
Security Exchange. The Nairobi Stock Exchange (N.S.E) was
founded in 1954 as a voluntary organization of the stock brokers
and is now one of the most active capital markets in Africa where
market players buy and sell shares and other securities. The stock
prices usually vary with time and this can be attributed to factors
such as economic growth, climatic changes, government polices
and political atmosphere. The trend of prices remains a challenge
econometricians and statisticians. The objective of the study was
to verify whether the price dynamics follow a. random walk process
or mean reversion. We used Dickey-Fuller Test for unit root in a
simple regression model of prices return and the parameters were estimated
by the method of ordinary least squares (O.L.S) estimates.
This may help market players understand the dynamics of prices so
that they can make meaningful decision.