On shifted Fibonacci sequences and Their polynomials
Abstract/ Overview
Fibonacci sequences and their polynomials have been generalized mainly by two
ways: by maintaining the recurrence relation and varying the initial conditions
and by varying the recurrence relation and maintaining the initial conditions. In
this thesis, we maintain the recurrence relation and vary initial conditions which
are taken as sum of Fibonacci numbers or polynomials. The main objective of
this work was to generalize Fibonacci sequences and their polynomials by r-shift
operation and to determine properties of these generalized sequences and their
polynomials. The specific objectives were to generalize Finonacci sequences and
their polynomials , to determine properties of r-shifted Fibonacci sequences and
to determine properties of r-shifted Fibonacci polynomials. To achieve the first
objective, we maintain recurrence relation and vary the initial conditions by r-
shift operation. To achieve the second objective we mainly use Binet’s formula
and generating function of r-shifted Fibonacci sequences, mathematical induction
and direct proofs, and to achieve the third objective we used Binet’s formula
and generating function for r-shifted Fibonacci polynomials. Among results obtained
in this thesis for both r-shifted Fibonacci numbers and polynomials are
explicit sum formula, sum of first n terms, sum of first n terms with even indices,
sum of first n terms with odd indices, Honsberger’s identity, and generalized
identity from which we get Catalan’s identity, Cassini’s identity, and d’Ocagne’s
identity. The results obtained in this study add to the already existing literature
in this area of research and they are also of importance to researchers in Computer
Science and other fields Mathematics.