Effect of Non-Monetary Rewards On Employee Performance in Homabay County Government
Abstract/ Overview
The Constitution of Kenya among other changes allows for the establishment of forty-seven (47) County Governments which has the main mandate to give local people and communities an opportunity to make decisions and manage their own affairs through their elected leaders and representatives. Despite Homa Bay County spending 70% of its total budgetary allocation on recurrent expenditure like salaries and allowances, it was still struggling with poor service delivery and staff performance issues such as chronic abseentism, poor working conditions, strikes and rampant corruption . This suggests that monetary rewards alone in form of salaries and allowances are not enough measures to incentivize higher staff performance and cause greater motivation among staff in county government. Literature suggests that Non-monetary rewards has a potential for improving employee performance, service delivery and contribute to achievement of organizational goals. Past empirical studies on non-monetary rewards have linked various aspects of its elements such as employee recognition, flexi time and training and development to other variables like job satisfaction, employee behaviour and attitude, organizational performance and employee motivation. None of these studies established the link between non-monetary rewards and employee performance. Consequently, the effect of employee recognition, flexi time and training and development on employee performance particularly in the context of county government is not known. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the effect of non-monetary rewards on employee performance in Homa bay County. Specifically, the study sought to establish the effect of employee recognition, flexi time and training and development on employee performance. The study will be guided by Hertzberg theory in correlation study design. The study population constitute 372 employees of HBCG out of which a sample of 146 respondents was selected using stratified sampling techniques. Validity of the research instrument was established through expert review while the reliability test yielded a Cronbach‟s Alpha coefficient of between 0.716 and 0.852. The findings revealed that non-monetary reward explained 62.7% (R2 =0.627) variation in employee performance. It was further revealed that only two dimensions of non-monetary reward namely: employee recognition (B = 0.401, p= 0.00) and Training and Development (B =0.422, p = 0.00) had significant positive effects on employee performance while Flexi-Time (B = 0.150, p= 0.100) had an insignificant positive effects on employee performance. The study concludes that employee recognition and training and Development are both critical antecedents of employee performance in HomaBay County. Therefore, the study recommends that the practices of the employee recognition and training and development be enhanced to significantly increase the level of employee performance. The results of the study may be useful for the County Government administration human resource reward policy formulation that might enhance employee performance and effective service delivery.