Effect of strategic logistics practices on performance Of Kibos sugar company, Kisumu, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
Sugar processing industries have in the recent past suffered continuous losses arising from
mainly operational challenges attributed to poor planning of logistics management
practices. Sugar is an important commodity though the cost of producing sugar in Kenya
is higher compared to other producing countries in East Africa and COMES A member
states. Report by The Kenya Sugar Industry Strategic plan (2010-2014) indicated the
challenges such as irregular factory maintenance, low crushing capacity, low sugar
extraction rates, slow adoption of new and appropriate technology, inadequate industrial
research and high cost of sugar production, and dilapidated processing equipment. The
study aimed at investigating the effects of strategic logistics management on performance
of Kibos Sugar Company. The specific objectives of the study were; to establish the effects
of reverse logistics on performance of Kibos Sugar Company, to establish the effects of
inventory management on performance of Kibos Sugar Company and to establish the
effects of strategic warehousing on performance of Kibos Sugar Company. The study was
guided by a conceptual framework where independent variable was strategic logistic
practices while dependent variable was performance. The research design adopted was a
case study using Kibos Sugar Company Limited as the unit of study. The targeted
population for the study included 250 staff from selected departments of Kibos Sugar
Company. Stratified random sampling technique used to select the predetermined sample
size of 62. In testing the validity and reliability of questionnaires, questionnaires were pretested
outside the sample population using the test re-test method and validity was gauged
using pilot study. The data was collected through primary data collection with the use of
questionnaires which were administered on personal basis. In addition, secondary data was
collected from libraries and the internet. Frequencies and percentage were used to describe
individual indicators of strategic logistics practices on performance. The results of the
study were presented using tables and graphs. The regression result was R2=0.25 which
indicates that overall strategic practices explains 25% of the changes in firm performance,
R2=0.63 which indicates that only 6.3% of the dependent variables is explained by the
strategic logistic practices in Kibos sugar manufacturing company. Finding of the study
revealed that strategic logistic practices, reverse logistic, inventory management and
strategic warehousing have significant positive influence on firm performance(r=0.06,
r=0.049 & r=0.019. The study provides ways in which the logistics management systems
can be strengthened to become more efficient and effective to an organization, it also helps
upcoming companies in the industry in designing logistic strategies that would see their
success. The study recommends further study should be conducted to assess the effects of
reverse logistic on performance of manufacturing firms in Kenya.