Relationship Between Water Service Performance Indicators and Revenue Generated at Kisumu Water and Sewerage Company Limited, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
The provision of adequate and reliable water supply in Kenya is a challenge for most water
utilities especially public service providers which are unable to generate sufficient revenue for
sustainability. It is estimated that In Kenya access to water is currently at 59% and sanitation
32%. This situation is associated to inability by water providers to meet the set water service
performance indicators Kisumu water Sewerage Company limited (Kiwasco) included. It is clear
from available literature that studies on the factors influencing revenue generation of water
utilities have generated varied results ranging from those who support a low and significant
relationship to those supporting moderate and insignificant relationship. There is no common
agreement on how water service performance indicators relate to total revenue generated by
water utility. This lack of common agreement may be due to researchers' use of correlation
analysis as method of establishing relationships between variables. The aim was to establish the
relationship between water service performance indicators and total revenue generated by
Kiwasco by use of both correlation and regression statistics. The specific objectives were to
establish relationships between collection efficiency, non revenue water, staff productivity index
and coverage ratio on total revenue generated by Kisumu Water and Sewerage Company limited
for 2008/9-2013/14 financial year on quarterly bases. This study was guided by Theory of
Constraints. The research adopted a case study design. The collected data were analyzed through
correlational and regression statistics. The study found out that there was significant relationship
between Collection efficiency and total revenue generated at kiwasco ltd Pi =.006 (p=.034),
Non Revenue Water and total revenue generated at kiwasco Itd P2 =-.110 (p=.015), staff
productivity index p3 =-.073 (p=.055). and coverage ratio and total revenue generated at
kiwasco ltd P4 =.799 (p;=.OOO)and total revenue generated, meaning reduction in staff
productivity index and Non Revenue Water increases revenue generated while increase in
collection efficiency and coverage ratio increases revenue generated. The study concluded that
water service performance indicators had significant relationship to revenue generation of
Kiwasco, except staff productivity index which showed a strong negative but insignificant
relationship. The study recommends that Kiwasco makes effort to reduce Staff Productivity
Index and Non revenue water, while increasing collection efficiency and coverage ratio in order
to generate more revenue. For other researchers, the study has exposed areas for further research
which will be useful for expanding knowledge in the Kenya water sector