Influence of Performance Appraisal on Employee Performance in Lake Victoria South Water Services Board, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
Performance appraisal is the process of analyzing the duties and responsibilities of each
employee and evaluating the value of the job in relation to others in the organization. It is
argued that performance appraisal, if conducted the right way, improves employee and
overall organization performance. Despite the recent research efforts into the antecedents
of organizational performance most especially in the developing economies, no
documented empirical work has been conducted examining the link between the elements
of performance appraisal and employee performance. This has left the information on
appraisal feedback, appraisal decisions and appraisal techniques and their relationship
with employee performance not known. The main objective of the study was to
investigate the influence of performance appraisal on employee performance in Lake
Victoria South Water Services Board. Specifically, the study sought to establish the
influence of performance appraisal techniques on employee performance, to determine
the relationship between performance appraisal feedback and employee performance and
to assess the influence of performance appraisal decisions on employee performance. The
study adopted correlational case study design. The population of the study 56 employees
arrived at through saturated sampling. Primary data was collected by the use of structured
questionnaire while secondary data was obtained through document review. The
reliability of the instrument was achieved through the use of Cronbachs alpha
coefficient,a=0.687. The results showed that the correlation between appraisal techniques,
appraisal feedback and performance was negative and significant at 0.05 significance
level with a correlation coefficient of, r = -0.341 and r = -.248 respectively meaning that
if rigid appraisal techniques are applied, employee performance is likely to decline. The
same applies to appraisal feedback. The correlation between appraisal decisions and
employee performance was positive and significant with a correlation coefficient of 0.424
meaning that when performance appraisals generate positive appraisal decisions
concerning employees, employee performance is improved. The regression results
showed that R
is 0.923 and also significant. This means that appraisal techniques,
appraisal feedback and appraisal decisions together explain 92.7 percent of the
employee's job performance. Further the results showed that appraisal techniques,
appraisal feedback and appraisal decisions had beta standardized coefficients and p
values of ~ =-.271 , p< .05; ~=*-1.146.These means all the beta coefficients, ~, which are
the degrees to which the independent variables each explain the dependent variable, are
negative and significant. The study concludes that rigid performance appraisal techniques
at Lake Victoria South Water Services Board negatively influences employee
performance. It therefore recommends that the Board should emphasize the use of
flexible performance appraisal techniques which will motivate its workers to put more
effort to positively improve performance in their job areas