Analyzing the Performance in Mathematics: A case study of Rachuonyo District 2007 - 2011
Abstract/ Overview
In this study we set to determine whether there exists a difference
in the performance in Mathematics occasioned by the category of
the school (boarding or day secondary schools) and if such a difI
ference occurs then to what extent is it influenced by the category
of the school Ceteris Paribas. We intend to use Analysis ofVariance (ANOVA) as a statistical tool to do this with our blocks being
the 27 sampled schools blocked into two categories i.e. Day schools
and Boarding schools, our treatments being the five years under
study i.e, 2007 - 2011 and our parameter being the mean standard
score (M.S.S.) in Mathematics. Two null hypotheses were posted
and tested at 0.05 level of significance using the two-way analysis
of variance for various means. A two-way ANOV A table for a randomized block design was used to study 135 scores drawn from 27
schools sampled out of the 120 schools in the study area. Collection
of data was done using document analysis as a secondary source
of data. The results of this study could be useful in advising the
various stakeholders on the type of scho ols that are likely to produce the best results in order to make informed decisions on the
cost factor versus the optimum score