Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance: A Case of Equity Bank Kenya Limited
Abstract/ Overview
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to decisions and activities of a firm directed
towards fulfilling stakeholder claims. It is manifested in economic, legal, ethical and
discretionary responsibilities. Equity Bank Kenya Ltd has recorded growth in the last five
years in branches and revenue expansion; however the concerns are in the unmatched
corporate returns to shareholders. CSR which it has engaged in over the years is expected
to have been related to these outcomes but this has not been confirmed. Moreover, past
studies in CSR have only related it to organizational performance and have not defined it
clearly in the four components. None has defined clearly its components and investigated
its relationship with financial performance. Consequently how economic, legal and ethical
responsibilities relate to financial performance is not known. This study purposed to
investigate the relationship between CSR and financial performance in Equity Bank
Limited, Kenya. The specific objectives were to establish relationship between economic
responsibility and financial performance, investigate the relationship between ethical
responsibility and financial performance and analyze relationship between legal
responsibility and financial performance at the bank. The study was guided by Stakeholder
Value Theory and a conceptual framework that spelt out CSR as the independent variable
and financial performance as dependent variable. The study adopted correlational study
design with target population of 346 respondents. A sample of 180 respondents was
selected using stratified random sampling. The study used both secondary and primary
data. Questionnaires were pretested using 17 respondents and reliability correlation of 0.98
obtained. Validity was confirmed by experts in the subject. Data was analysed using
percentages and frequencies and correlation. Results were r (148) = .439, p<O.OI; r (148) =
.617, p<O.O1 and r (148) = -.542,p<O.Q1. These mean that a moderate positive significant
relationship exists between economic responsibility and financial performance, a high
positive significant relationship exists between ethical responsibility and financial
performance and moderate significant negative relationship between legal responsibility
and financial performance. It is concluded as economic and ethical responsibility
increases, financial performance increases. Contrarily, as legal responsibility increases,
financial performance drops. This study recommends for more resources be put on the
economic and ethical responsibilities the bank and less to be deployed to legal
responsibility while an investigation into the exercise of legal responsibility is carried out
in order to understand better the negative relationship. The government and senior
management at the bank and the banking industry are expected to benefit from these
results applying them to streamline CSR activities. Based on this study, researchers may
formulate future investigations.