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dc.contributor.authorNYAKINA, Remjius Otieno
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT: In order to support the Early Childhood education subsector, the Kenya government initiated Community Support Grant (CSG) in 2006 to enhance access, equity and quality services. However, a ministry of education monitoring report in 2009 showed that in three centres out of four, there was both misappropriation and mismanagement of CSG, the enrolment at the four centres was only at 16% instead of the expected 60% and the teachers earned less than Kshs.2000 instead of the expected minimum of Kshs.4000 in Siaya Sub County. The report only covered four centres out of 35 centres. The purpose of this study therefore, was to evaluate the utilisation of CSG for ECD centres in Siaya Sub County. The study had the following objectives to; establish the level of utilization of CSG, determine the access rates in ECDE centres, determine the availability and type of learning resources. The study was conceptualised on the Stufflebeam Framework whereby the independent variable was CSG while the dependant variables were access and quality services. The study was conducted through a descriptive survey. The target population was 35 head teachers, 35 ECDE teachers, 35 chairpersons of schools, four DICECE officers and one District Education Officer. Saturated sampling technique was used to select the sample of 31 headteachers,31 ECD teachers, 31chairpersons four DICECE officers and one District Education officer. Data was collected using questionnaires, interview schedules, document analysis and observation checklists. Face validity of the instruments was established by presenting them to experts in the Department of Educational Management and Foundations for verification. Reliability of instruments was established by a test re-test pilot study on 4 schools (10% of the study population) which was excluded in the actual study. A reliability index of 0.84, 0.79 and 0.86 for questionnaire for education officials, head teachers and ECD teachers was accepted. Qualitative data was recorded and organized thematically. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics in form of percentages, mean and frequencies and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The study found out that 35.3 % of the total funds disbursed to the centres were not properly utilized according to the improvement plan prepared by the management committees. It also found out that, there was 22.3% improvement in enrolment which was way below the 60% target. Teaching and learning resources improved as reported by 28 centres out of 31. It recommended that the National government should disburse the funds regularly and monitor the use of the same to avert the loss. It also recommended that the National government and communities work in partnership to invest in infrastructure development of classrooms, sanitary facilities, play and learning equipment. This study is significant to the Government in formulation of ECDE financing policies in Kenya.en_US
dc.publisherMaseno Universityen_US
dc.titleEvaluation of utilization of community support grants for early childhood development centres in Siaya sub county, Kenyaen_US

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