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dc.contributor.authorAKOTH, Rosemary Oketch
dc.description.abstractEnglish language is one of the key subjects in career development and is a compulsory subject in both primary and secondary schools’ curriculum in Kenya. Performance of learners who are deaf in English language in Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) has persistently been below average. In the years 2013 – 2017, learners who are deaf registered 28.2 as the highest mean score which is grade ‘D’. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of selected determinants on performance in English Grammar among class seven learners who are profoundly deaf in six primary schools in Lake Region. The objectives of the study were to determine the influence of: language of instruction, teaching and learning resources, teaching and learning strategies and learners’ attitude on performance in English grammar among learners who are profoundly deaf. The target population consisted of six Head teachers, 30 teachers, and 80 learners who are profoundly deaf in class seven from six Primary Schools in the Lake Region. The study used saturated sampling technique to select five Head teachers, 27 teachers of English language and purposive sampling to select 72 learners who are profoundly deaf in class seven. A pilot study was done using 10% of the population of Head teachers, teachers and learners. A conceptual framework was used to show the interaction between independent, dependent and intervening variables. The instruments for the research included questionnaire for learners, interview schedule for Head teachers and teachers, an observation schedule and an English grammar test. Face and content validity of the instruments was determined by experts in the area of SNE. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through a pilot study using test re-test method. The reliability coefficient for language of instruction was 0.74, teaching and learning resources was 0.79 and teaching and learning strategies was 0.83. Instruments were deemed reliable since the co-efficient for all instruments were above the acceptable value of 0.7, p< .05. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as means, frequency counts and percentages, inferential statistics such as regression and correlations were also used in the study. The findings revealed that inconsistent use of language of instruction positively correlated with low performance in English grammar with a mean of 2.26 and R2 accounted for 39.0%. Inadequate use of teaching and learning resources positively correlated with low performance in English grammar with a mean of 2.78 and R2 accounted 13.3%. Inadequate use of teaching and learning strategies positively correlated with low performance in English grammar with a mean of 2.28 and R2 accounted for 16.1%. Negative attitude of learners was positively correlated with low performance with a mean of 2.23 and R2 accounted for 17.3%. The study concluded that all the selected factors negatively influenced profoundly deaf learners’ performance hence recommended the use of SEE when teaching English language, workshops and in-service courses to improve teachers’ skills, allocation of enough funds for acquisition of visual teaching and learning resources and improvement on teaching and learning environment for better strategies. The findings of the study will be significant in improving performance in English language among learners who are profoundly deaf hence their overall performance in KCPE.en_US
dc.publisherMaseno Universityen_US
dc.titleInfluence of selected determinants on performance in English grammar among class seven profoundly deaf learners in primary schools for the deaf in the lake region, Kenyaen_US

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