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dc.contributor.authorConstance A Gewa, Agatha Christine Onyango, Rose Okoyo Opiyo, Joel Gittelsohn, Lawrence J Cheskin
dc.description.abstract: Although obesity prevalence is known to be rising in East Africa, research on childhood obesity is still minimal. We conducted a cross-sectional study to examine the prevalence of unhealthful dietary patterns, physical activity and sleep behaviors among primary school children in two urban settings in Kenya and explored the association between the behaviors and overweight/obesity among the children.en_US
dc.publisherResearch Squareen_US
dc.subjectschoolchildren, obesity, body-mass index, waist circumference, skinfold thickness, dietary practices, physical activity, sleep, Kenyaen_US
dc.titleAssociation Between Primary School Students’ Unhealthful Behaviors and Overweight/Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in Urban Kenyaen_US

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