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dc.contributor.authorWARINDA, Enock
dc.description.abstractThe Directorate of Monitoring and Evaluation urgently requires operationalization of National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES) to provide timely data for decision-making. Kenya established NIMES and the County Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System in 2004 and 2016, respectively to enhance provision of credible data on performance of public sector policies and programmes according to the 2010 Constitution. The main objective of this study is to analyze the operationalization of NIMES in the ministry of agriculture in Kisumu County. The specific objectives include: to assess the extent to which the agricultural departments have been capacitated to operationalize NIMES through utilization of e-ProMIS platform; to measure performance of these departments towards achieving their M & E objectives based on NlMES standards and protocols; and to assess the key drivers influencing institutionalization of NIMES in these departments. The three departments were purposively selected. Six (out of all 15 M & E and ICT) officers were sampled. Single point face-to-face interviews were conducted using semi-structured questionnaires. Quantitative arid qualitative approaches were applied to process and analyze primary and secondary data. Using Statistical Package for Social Sciences software, descriptive analysis generated frequency distributions, while inferential analysis obtained Odds ratios. Likert Scale was used to assess the level of staff satisfaction with NIMES, while binary logistic regression model estimated the likelihood of independent variables' influence on NIMES' operationalization. Regarding departmental capacity on NIMES, the departments had required capacity (with significant variation across departments); very minimal interdepartmental consultations on data management; no NIMES-specific indicators collected; no data uploaded onto e-ProMIS platform; and no department and NlMES database linkages observed. Notwithstanding capacity strengthening through trainings and budgetary allocations for M&E, operationalization of NIMES is insignificant. Concerning departmental performance against M & E objectives, 60% of basic M & E activities were undertaken, though poor quality reports noted due to lack of data and delays in reporting from the field. No staff had accessed M & E Policy and County Evaluation Guidelines. M & E tools are haphazard, with no departmental database. Regarding key drivers influencing operationalization of NIMES, inadequate integration of NIMES in planning and budgeting, limited departmental buy-in and ownership of the process and limited NIMES champions within departments was noted. In conclusion, though departmental capacity is enhanced, NIMES is non-operationalized; e-ProMIS unutilized; and no data uploaded onto NIMES. It is recommended that the departments should identify champions for NlMES and fast track adoption of NIMES through urgent integration of the 3 departments based on standard indicatorsen_US
dc.publisherMaseno Universityen_US
dc.titleAnalysis of Operationalization of National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Ministry of Agriculture in Kisumu Countyen_US

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