What Gets Mapped onto What in the Sex is a Football Game Metaphore in Kenyan HIV/AIDS Campaign Posters
Abstract/ Overview
Susan Sontag, the prolific author of AIDS and its Metaphors, subscribes to the school of thought
that life-threatening ailments such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, syphilis and tuberculosis are rich in
conceptual metaphors by which such ailments are expressed. Both conceptual and linguistic
metaphors coined around the aforementioned ailments serve as cognitive reservoirs within which
embodied experiences with such ailments are mentally registered and culturally framed. With
specific reference to HIV/AIDS, the recurrent citation of the AIDS pandemic in the works of
anthropologists, epidemiologists, behaviour change communicators and political analysts is
synonymous with taboo topics slanted towards sexuality, morality and death. In sub-Saharan
Africa, behaviour change communicators have either consciously or unconsciously capitalized on
creatively using pictorial sports metaphors in AIDS prevention campaign posters.
However, very few studies in cognitive linguistics have investigated cross-domain
mappings of the sports metaphors in AIDS campaign posters within the African continent, and
more particularly, the pervasive usage of the SEX IS A FOOTBALL GAME metaphor. It is against this
background that our paper first and foremost cross-culturally examines the cognitive frames and
cross-domain mappings upon which football metaphors are structured. Second, the paper
examines the possible cross-domain mappings of the SEX IS A FOOTBALL GAME pictorial
metaphors in 7 AIDS campaign posters which have been used by behaviour change
communicators in Kenya between 1988 and 2010.