Trend and Rate of Household and Government Contribution to Secondary Education Unit
Abstract/ Overview
Unit* cost* of* secondary* education* has* continued* to* rise* both* direct* and* indirect*jeopardizing* access* to* basic* education.* The* debate* has* concentrated* on* whom*is*carrying* the* burden* of* secondary* education.* The* descriptive* and* causal* comparative*designs* were* used* in* this* study.* The* study* sample* comprised* 85* headteachers’,* 765*teachers’,* 3349* students* and* one* DEO.* The* findings* of* the* study* indicate* that* on*average*households*and*government*contribution*to*secondary*education*grew*by*3.45*and* 4.3* times* * in* absolute* terms* respectively* while* under* constant* terms,* the*household* contribution* was* 23* times* and* 25* times* for* day* and* boarding* schools*respectively.*The*government*contribution*was*15*times*over*the*same*time*period.*It*was* concluded* that* the* household* carry* heavy* responsibility* compared* to* the*government* and* hence* acquisition* of* secondary* education* is* still* a* problem* to* most*household.*