Flavanol composition and caffeine content of green leaf as quality potential indicators of Kenyan black teas
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Obanda, Martin
Owuor, P Okinda
Taylor, Sarah J
Show full item recordAbstract/Overview
The Ñavanol composition and ca† eine content of green tea leaf, black tea quality
parameters of theaÑavins, thearubigins, liquor brightness and total colour varied more
among clones than with time of the year. In green leaf, either ([) epicatechin gallate or ([)
epigallocatechin gallate was the dominant Ñavanol present. Regression analysis of tastersÏ
preferences for black teas against green leaf chemical components showed positive and
signiÐcant correlations for ([) epicatechin gallate (r\0É498, PO 0É05 for taster A; r\0É665, PO
0É01 for taster B, and r\0É678, PO 0É01 for both tastersÏ overall ranking),([) epigallocatechin
gallate (r\0É513, PO 0É05 for taster B; r\0É532, PO 0É05 for both tastersÏ overall ranking
and ca† eine (r\0É523, PO 0É05 for taster A; r\0É657, PO 0É01 for taster B; and r\0É686, PO
0É01 for both tastersÏ overall ranking). Similar regressions against black tea theaÑavins …
- Department of Chemistry [337]