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dc.contributor.authorRKB Chumba, B Owuor, GN Mwai, GD Odhiambo, GW Netondo
dc.description.abstractsee more details of the most beneficial system component. The experiment was carried out between 2009 and 2010 in two consecutive seasons. 8 treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) design with 3 replications. The productivity productivity Subject Category: Properties see more details of these systems was evaluated using Replacement Value of Intercropping (RVI), Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA) and Dominance Analysis (DA). The treatments had a significant effect on RVI (P< 0.05). Spacing had a significant effect on artemisinin artemisinin Subject Category: Chemicals and Chemical Groupsen_US
dc.publisherShamokal Publicationsen_US
dc.titleYield advantage of maize and artemisia intercrops in a sub-humid ecozone of western Kenyen_US

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