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dc.contributor.authorOuma George, Odhiambo G Duncan, Musyimi David, Kwach Johnson
dc.description.abstractAvocado (Persia americana) is an important world crop. In Kenya, it has become a very important crop but its production is limited by several factors. Studies were conducted in the Lake Victoria Basin counties of Bunyala in Busia, Kisumu, Muhoroni, Nyando and Rachuonyo in western Kenya to investigate the socioeconomic factors affecting Avocado production. Information were collected from focus group discussions, key informants, individual interviews and secondary sources. Statistical Package for Social Scientist was used to analyze data collected interpreted and reported. The objectives were to assess how Avocado growers in western Kenya using Agricultural extension services affects the Livelihood of farmers considering their level of education and extension services and the implication it has on their decisions making to invest in Avocado production. There was positive relationship within the participating farmers as relates their level of education, income and availability of extension services that led to high adoption of inputs, choice of rootstocks to grow the crop, varieties chosen, planting, cultural practices harvesting, storage and marketing.en_US
dc.subjectLivelihood; avocado; production; extension services; Kenyaen_US
dc.titleLivelihood assessment of avocado growing in western Kenya and its socioeconomic implications using agricultural extension servicesen_US

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