Now showing items 2241-2260 of 4005

    • Historical Manifestation of Ethnocentrism and its challenges Today 

      Kasomo Daniel (International Journal of Applied Sociology, 2011)
      In this article we have begun by defining ethnocentrism. According to anthropologists, the concept combines the belief that one’s own culture is superior to other cultures, with the practice of judging other cultures by ...
    • Sexuality and Sexual Scripting in African Traditional Religion: Mumbi in A Grain of 

      Loreen Maseno (AASR, 2018)
      The African novelist Ngugi wa Thiong’o in his novel A Grain of Wheat introduces a female character Mumbi. Mumbi resides in a village of pre-independence Kenya and shares the same name with the first woman in the Agikuyu ...
    • Psychological assessment of visual impaired children in integrated and special schools 

      Kasomo Daniel (journal of education, 2012)
      Although the educational services for children with visual impairment in Kenya have expanded to include provision in the integrated school setting, not much research has been done to document the benefits of the integrated ...
    • The psychology behind celibacy 

      Kasomo Daniel (International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2012)
      Celibacy began in the early church as an ascetic discipline, rooted partly in a neo-Platonic contempt for the physical world that had nothing to do with the Gospel. The renunciation of sexual expression by men fit nicely ...
    • Modes of legitimation by female Pentecostal-Charismatic preachers in East Africa: a comparative study in Kenya and Tanzania 

      Nandera Ernest Mhando, Loreen Maseno, Kupakwashe Mtata, Mathew Senga (Routledge, 2018-07-03)
      This paper examines the rise of female Pentecostal-Charismatic (PC) church leaders and how they legitimize themselves in a male dominated religious field in Kenya and Tanzania. It explores, in a qualitative way, four women ...
    • Framing Freedom of Religion or Belief for Countering Violent Extremism in Kenya: The Equivalency Framework of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya 

      Loreen Maseno (Routledge, 2018-10-02)
      Over the past years, and in the aftermath of terror attacks, religious organizations in Kenya have issued press statements which conflate discourses on war against terror, security, and freedoms of religion. Using the ...
    • An evaluation of teaching in Kenya 

      Kasomo Daniel (journal of education, 2012)
      The aim and purpose of this paper is focusing on effective teaching and teaching practice perspective with a view to providing insight into its concept, dimensions, models, objectives, roles and suggest the way forward. ...
    • Factors affecting women participation in electoral politics in Africa 

      Daniel Kasomo (International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2012)
      Women are a major force behind people’s participation in life of society today. Not only do they comprise the majority in terms of population, but they also play a crucial role in society as procreators of posterity as ...
    • An analysis of secular alternatives to religion 

      Daniel Kasomo, Nicholas Ombachi, Joseph Musyoka, Geoffrey Naila Napoo (International Journal of Applied Sociology, 2012)
      Secular alternatives are not Religions in themselves, but they are presented as ideas or ideologies or lies to which man can commit himself so deepy & unreservedly that they replace religion in him. A person can opt for ...
    • Historical Survey of the Concept of Ecumenical Movement its Model and Contemporary Problems 

      Joseph Musyoka, Daniel Kasomo, Nicholas Ombachi, Napoo Naila (International Journal of Applied Sociology, 2012)
      The term “ecumenical” in theology today generally refers to the movement which seeks to achieve external unity among the world’s denominationally divined churches. The original meaning of the word (from oikeo: to dwell, ...
    • The Role of the Church in Promoting HIV/AIDS Awareness in Africa 

      Kasomo Daniel (International Journal of Applied Psychology, 2012)
      The church in Africa has maximized her efforts to promote awareness about the disease. These efforts generally range from the provision of facts about HIV and AIDS, its modes of transmission, various types of high -risk ...
    • Psychological Acceptance of Children with Develop-mental Disorders 

      Kasomo Daniel (journal of education, 2012)
      On account of different kinds of impairment, a number of children often remain isolated from the normal course of personal and social development various types of family and community beliefs, attitudes and misconceptio ...
    • An assessment of ethnic conflict and its challenges today 

      Kasomo Daniel (Academic Journals, 2012-01-31)
      In this article we shall begin by defining ethnocentrism. According to anthropologists, the concept combines the belief that one’s own culture is superior to other cultures, with the practice of judging other cultures by ...
    • An Assessment of Ethical Issues in Social and Science Research 

      Kasomo Daniel (International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 2013)
      Ethical behavior is important in all aspect of life. This is certainly true of social research and Research in hard Sciences. The best way to think about ethical behavior is to ask how you would expect to be treated if ...
    • The factors militating against the education of girls: A case study in Kenya 

      Kasomo Daniel (Academic Journals, 2019-11-30)
      This research attempted to find out the factors militating against the education of girls in Lower Eastern Province, Kenya. The main purpose of the research was to establish the magnitude of the effects of the factors that ...
    • An investigation of sin and evil in African cosmology 

      Kasomo Daniel (Academic Journals, 2009-12-31)
      The research has found out that, in our world, the appalling depth and extent of human suffering is evident and very much experienced. Evil and suffering are not just philosophical and theological aspects of human existence ...
    • An analysis of the rites of passage and their relation to christianity 

      Kasomo Daniel (Academic Journals, 2009-12-31)
      The paper discussed the impact of rites of passage to the individual and how it engenders one and makes one accepted in the societal norms. The emphasis and the central point of this work was mainly to deal with the relevance ...
    • The position of African traditional religion in conflict prevention 

      Daniel Kasomo (Academic Journals, 2010-02-28)
      African (Traditional) and modern religions may offer African solutions to many problems of conflict in the region of Africa. This article builds a case for the use of some African religious values in modern conflict ...
    • Religion and development in afRica 

      Ezra Chitando, Masiiwa Ragies Gunda, Lovemore Togarasei, Chammah J Kaunda, Sokfa France John, Tarisayi Andrea Chimuka, Loreen Maseno, Susan Mbula Kilonzo, Hassan J Ndzovu, Muhammed Haron, Abamfo Ofori Atiemo, Elizabeth Pulane Motswapong, Lilian C Siwila, Nelly Mwale, Chita Joseph Chita, Mutale Mulenga Kaunda, Samuel Awuah-Nyamekye, Andrew David Omona, Uzziah Maate Kiriaghe, Julius Gathogo, Sonene Nyawo, Petronella Munhenzva, Lindiwe Princess Maseko, Blessing Nyahuma, Beatrice Taringa, Nisbert Taisekwa Taringa, Musa W Dube, Sidney K Berman, Francis Machingura, Ishanesu Gusha, Canisius Mwandayi (University of Bamberg Press, 2020)
      What is development? Who defines that one community/ country is “developed”, while another community/ country is “under-developed”? What is the relationship between religion and development? Does religion contribute to ...
    • Gendering inculturation in Africa: a discussion of three African women theologians' entry into the inculturation scene 

      Loreen Maseno (2004)
      In theological circles in Africa, there has been an interest as to how cultural contexts must and will shape theology. Therefore, since the 1960's, African theologians have engaged in so-called'inculturation'. Inculturation ...