Now showing items 1-20 of 4004

    • Legal and policy framework affecting the development of a market in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya 

      Kamwele, H.W., Wagah, G.G., Onyango, G.M. & Nyström, M. (Mistra urban futures, 11)
      Globally the UN Development Program estimates that 800 million people are involved in urban farming worldwide. Of these, 200 million produce food primarily for the market, providing 15 to 20 percent of the world’s food. ...
    • Explaining the slowdown in medical spending growth among the elderly, 1999-2012. 

      Salim S Virani, Alvaro Alonso, Emelia J Benjamin, Marcio S Bittencourt, Clifton W Callaway, April P Carson, Alanna M Chamberlain, Alexander R Chang, Susan Cheng, Francesca N Delling, Luc Djousse, Mitchell SV Elkind, Jane F Ferguson, Myriam Fornage, Sadiya S Khan, Brett M Kissela, Kristen L Knutson, Tak W Kwan, Daniel T Lackland, Tené T Lewis, Judith H Lichtman, Chris T Longenecker, Matthew Shane Loop, Pamela L Lutsey, Seth S Martin, Kunihiro Matsushita, Andrew E Moran, Michael E Mussolino, Amanda Marma Perak, Wayne D Rosamond, Gregory A Roth, Uchechukwu KA Sampson, Gary M Satou, Emily B Schroeder, Svati H Shah, Christina M Shay, Nicole L Spartano, Andrew Stokes, David L Tirschwell, Lisa B VanWagner, Connie W Tsao, American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology and Prevention Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee, American Heart Association, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, US Census Bureau population estimates: historical data: 2000s, US Census Populations With Bridged Race Categories, National Center for Health Statistics, World Health Organization, National Center for Health Statistics, RN Anderson, HM Rosenberg, DM Lloyd-Jones, Y Hong, D Labarthe, D Mozaffarian, LJ Appel, L Van Horn, K Greenlund, S Daniels, G Nichol, GF Tomaselli, American Heart Association Strategic Planning Task Force and Statistics Committee, American Heart Association, JS Rumsfeld, KP Alexander, DC Goff Jr, MM Graham, PM Ho, FA Masoudi, DK Moser, VL Roger, MS Slaughter, KG Smolderen, American Heart Association Council on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research, Council on Cardiovascular and Stroke Nursing, Council on Epidemiology and Prevention, Council on Peripheral Vascular Disease, and Stroke Council, CM Shay, HS Gooding, R Murillo, R Foraker, Y Chang, X Guo, Y Chen, L Guo, Z Li, S Yu, H Yang, G Sun, Y Sun, T Laitinen, TT Laitinen, K Pahkala, CG Magnussen, M Oikonen, JS Viikari, MA Sabin, SR Daniels, OJ Heinonen, L Taittonen, O Hartiala, A Younus, EC Aneni, ES Spatz, CU Osondu, L Roberson, O Ogunmoroti, R Malik, SS Ali, M Aziz, T Feldman, L Zhou, L Zhao, Y Wu, Y Wu, X Gao, Y Li, J Mai, Z Nie, Y Ou, M Guo, HM González, W Tarraf, CJ Rodríguez, LC Gallo, RL Sacco, GA Talavera, G Heiss, JR Kizer, R Hernandez, S Davis, A Spahillari, S Talegawkar, A Correa, JJ Carr, JG Terry, J Lima, JE Freedman, S Das, R Kociol, S de Ferranti, AR Folsom, H Yatsuya, JA Nettleton, PL Lutsey, M Cushman, WD Rosamond, ARIC Study Investigators, CJ Murray, C Atkinson, K Bhalla, G Birbeck (RTI International, 202-03-03)
      The American Heart Association, in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health, annually reports on the most up-to-date statistics related to heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular risk factors, including core ...
    • Persons with Disabilities Bill 2002: implications concerning visual disabilities for academic library and information services in Kenya 

      Ochoggia, Raymond E (MCB UP Ltd, 204)
      The paper defines the term disability and how it fits among persons with visual disabilities. Specific provisions in the Persons with Disabilities Bill 2002 that may affect library and information services to visually ...
    • Intensive livestock recording for sustainable breeding programs and adaptation strategy to climate change 

      TO Okeno, CB Wasike (206)
      The hypothesis that, intensive recording is needed for sustainable breeding programs in developing countries in the face of climate change was tested.Using stochastic simulation, genetic gain realised by breeding strategies ...
    • Validity/Reliability of PHQ-9 and PHQ-2 Depression Scales Among Adults Living with HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya 

      Patrick O. Monahan PhD, Enbal Shacham PhD, Michael Reece PhD, MPH, Kurt Kroenke MD, Willis Owino Ong’or MMEd, MPH, Otieno Omollo MBChB, MMed, Violet Naanyu Yebei MA & Claris Ojwang (Journal of General Internal Medicine, 208)
      Background Depression greatly burdens sub-Saharan Africa, especially populations living with HIV/AIDS, for whom few validated depression scales exist. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), a brief dual-purpose instrument ...
    • Hemoglobin Kenya, the product of a gamma-beta fusion gene: studies of the family. 

      AG Kendall, PJ Ojwang, WA Schroeder, TH Huisman (Elsevier, 1973-09)
      Recently, we reported the discovery of a new hemoglobin variant, Hb Kenya, in a 26-year-old Kenyan of the Nilotic Luo tribe [1]. Chemical characterization of the non-a chain of this hemoglobin showed that the amino ...
    • The Kenya haemoglobin. 

      AG Kendall, PJ Ojwang (East African medical journal, 1974)
      Haemoglobin Kenya is (at present) a rare haemoglobin variant, found so far only in the Luo tribe in Kenya. It came to light by its chance association with the Hb S trait, a situation giving rise to an unexpectedly high ...
    • Severe hyponatraemia in hospital inpatients 

      S Javed Iqbal, PJ Ojwang (BMJ Publishing Group, 1978-12-09)

      ISA~C MOGAKA ORORA (University of Kenyatta., 1986)
      The purpose of the study was to identify the attitudes held by the primary school teachers and pupils toward the teaching and learning of Mathematics respectively. The study was done at Masimba Educational zone, Irianyi ...
    • Optimising fermentation time in black tea manufacture 

      Owuor, Philip O; Reeves, Stuart G (Elsevier, 1986)
      A comparative study using in-line theaflavins analysis (ILTF), theaflavins of made-tea analysis (TFMT) and tasters' evaluations, to optimise fermentation during tea manufacture, was carried out. All methods obeyed a quadratic ...
    • The effect of α-thalassemia on the level of hybrid hemoglobin variants in heterozygotes 

      KD Lanclos, Abdullah Kutlar, Ferdane Kutlar, PJ Ojwang, AL Reese, THJ Huisman (Taylor & Francis, 1986-01-01)
      The influence of a relative deficiency in α chain production on the amount of Hemoglobins Kenya, P-Nilotic, and Lepore was determined. The level of these hybrid hemoglobins in heterozygotes was correlated to various states ...
    • Correlation of theaflavins content and valuations of Kenyan black teas 

      Owuor, Philip O; Reeves, Stuart G; Wanyoko, John K (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 1986-05-01)
      Correlation between theaflavins content and tasters' valuations of Kenyan black teas generally give positive but statistically non-significant correlation coefficients. In 105 correlations using 12 samples each, only ...
    • Changes in plasma HDL-cholesterol in women using oral contraceptives in Kenya 

      PJ Ojwang, JK Mati (University of Nairobi., 1987)
      125 black Kenyan women attending the Kenyatta National Family Welfare Clinic were randomly allocated to combined and fixed dose oral contraceptives (Eugynon: 500 mcg dl-norgestrel + 50 mcg ethinyl estradiol or Microgynon: ...
    • A study of haemorrhoids as seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital with special reference to asymptomatic haemorrhoids. 

      SW Ogendo (University of Nairobi, 1987)
      Haemorrhoids is a condition defined as a swelling at the anal margin, a pile. This condition has been known to afflict mankind for a long time having been documented from the time of Hipprocrates. So far it has not been ...
    • Alcohol use among khat (Catha) chewers in Kenya 

      OE Omolo, MANOHAR DHADPHALE (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-01)
      Among one hundred randomly selected outpatients at the Meru District Hospital in Kenya, 29 (28 men and 1 woman) were Khat chewers. Six of these were ‘heavy’ and 23 ‘moderate’ users. Twenty out of 29 Khat chewers also used ...
    • Alcohol use among khat (Catha) chewers in Kenya 

      OE Omolo, MANOHAR DHADPHALE (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-01)
      Among one hundred randomly selected outpatients at the Meru District Hospital in Kenya, 29 (28 men and 1 woman) were Khat chewers. Six of these were ‘heavy’ and 23 ‘moderate’ users. Twenty out of 29 Khat chewers also used ...
    • Haplotypes and α globin gene analyses in sickle cell anaemia patients from Kenya 

      Unknown author (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-02)
      Over 60 patients from the Luo and Luhya tribes of Western Kenya, aged 1–23 years. with severe sickle cell anaemia were evaluated through haematological and gene mapping analyses. Nearly all (56 of 58 tested) were homozygous ...
    • Prevalence of khat chewers among primary health clinic attenders in Kenya 

      OE Omolo, Manohar Dhadphale (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1987-03)
      In a rural district hospital in Kenya, the authors screened 100 randomly selected outpatients for khat (miraa) chewing. A surprisingly high number of them admitted chewing khat leaves. The implications of this finding and ...
    • Characterization of chromosomes with hybrid genes for Hb Lepore-Washington, Hb Lepore-Baltimore, Hb P-Nilotic, and Hb Kenya 

      KD Lanclos, J Patterson, GD Efremov, SC Wong, A Villegas, PJ Ojwang, JB Wilson, Ferdane Kutlar, THJ Huisman (Springer-Verlag, 1987-09-01)
      This study concerns the characterization of chromosomes with hybrid genes for Hb Lepore-Washington (44 chromosomes), for Hb Lepore-Baltimore (5 chromosomes), for Hb P-Nilotic (8 chromosomes), and for Hb Kenya (7 chromosomes) ...