Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Quasiparticle spinors in light-matter interactions: generalized Jaynes-Cummings and antiJaynes-Cummings models
(Research gate, 2020)
Seeking a clear understanding of the physical nature of quasiparticle excitations formed in the JaynesCummings and antiJaynes-Cummings interaction mechanisms in the quantum Rabi model, we have introduced appropriate composite ...
Shell structure of the SU (N) generator spectrum: interpretation as spin angular momentum operators
(Research gate, 2020)
We have established that SU(N) symmetry group generators occur in a spectrum with a
quantum structure composed of N − 1 configuration shells each containing a definite number of
symmetric and antisymmetric pairs of ...
Determining SU (N) symmetry group generators
(Research gate, 2018)
SU(N) symmetry groups are useful in formulating gauge theories of elementary particle interactions
in quantum field theory. Gauge bosons and particle states are associated with the symmetry group
generators. The accuracy ...
SU (N) generator spectrum
(Research gate, 2018)
This paper provides an accurate mathematical method for determining SU(N) symmetry group generators in a general N-dimensional quantum state space. We identify the generators as well-defined quantum
state transition and ...
Symmetry conjugates and dynamical properties of the quantum Rabi model
(Cornell University, 2021)
Symmetry transformations have proved useful in determining the algebraic structure and internal
dynamical properties of physical systems. In the quantum Rabi model, invariance under parity symmetry transformation has been ...
Complex Spacetime Frame: Four-Vector Identities and Tensors
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2014)
This paper provides derivation of some basic identities for complex four-component vectors defined in a complex four-dimensional spacetime frame specified by an imaginary temporal axis.
The resulting four-vector identities ...
The anti-Jaynes-Cummings model is solvable : quantum Rabi model in rotating and counter-rotating frames ; following the experiments
(Cornell University, 2021)
This article is a response to the continued assumption, cited even in reports and reviews of recent experimental breakthroughs and advances in theoretical methods, that the antiJaynes-Cummings (AJC) interaction is an ...
Progressively accurate WKB approximations through factorization and successive boost transformations
(Research gate, 2015)
This paper develops a procedure for obtaining progressively improving approximate solutions
of the WKB (semiclassical ) model of the stationary Schroedinger equation through factorization and successive boost transformations ...
Quadrature fluctuation energy, effective Hamiltonians, quasi-particle modes and quantum phase transitions in the Rabi and Dicke models
(Research gate, 2017)
The main purpose of this article is to provide a simple physically motivated exact analytical procedure
for determining effective Rabi and Dicke Hamiltonians, which have so far posed serious challenges in
studies of ...
Composite Hermite and Anti-Hermite Polynomials
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015)
The Weber-Hermite differential equation, obtained as the dimensionless form of the stationary
Schroedinger equation for a linear harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics, has been expressed
in a generalized form through ...