Now showing items 3109-3128 of 4004

    • Rabi oscillations, entanglement and teleportation in the anti-Jaynes-Cummings model 

      Christopher Mayero, Joseph Akeyo Omolo, Onyango Stephen Okeyo (Cornell University, 2021)
      This paper provides a scheme for generating maximally entangled qubit states in the anti-JaynesCummings interaction mechanism, so called entangled anti-polariton qubit states. We demonstrate that in an initial vacuum-field, ...
    • Rabi oscillations, entanglement and teleportation in the anti-Jaynes-Cummings model 

      Christopher Mayero, Joseph Akeyo Omolo, and Onyango Stephen Okeyo (Cornell University, 2021)
      This paper provides a scheme for generating maximally entangled qubit states in the anti-JaynesCummings interaction mechanism, so called entangled anti-polariton qubit states. We demonstrate that in an initial vacuum-field, ...
    • Rachs-1 system in rist stratification for congenital heart disease surgery outcome 

      MN Awori, SW Ogendo (East African medical journal, 2008-05-28)
      Background: The Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery (RACHS-1) system has been used as a benchmark to compare surgical results in developed countries. Its ability to stratify postoperative mortality risk has been ...
    • Radiation Use Efficiency and Yield Responses of Clonal Tea (Camellia sinensis) to Locations of Production 

      Nyabundi, Karl W; Owuor, P Okinda; Netondo, Godfrey W; Bore, John K (International Society of Tea Science, 2019)
      Tea in Kenya is grown in the high and medium rainfall areas of the Kenyan highlands in east and west of the Rift Valley, at altitudes ranging from 1300 to 2700 m above mean sea level. Variability in responses of tea genotypes ...
    • Radio Exposure and Drivers of Electoral Participation among Women Voters under the New Devolved Political Structure in Kenya 

      Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations (Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2021)
      Radio dominates the news media ecosystem in Kenya. However, little is known about the relationship between radio exposure and drivers of electoral participation in Kenya. This research thus examines the correlation between ...
    • Rainfed Rice Production and there Germplasm Development in Kenya 

      JC Onyango, MOA Onyango (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 1999-07-01)
      ice (Oryza Sativa L.) has been grown in Kenya for several centuries and during this time has been locally selected by farmers for adaptation in the dry climate of Kenya highlands and coastal region. this history of selection ...
    • A randomized controlled trial of folate supplementation when treating malaria in pregnancy with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine 

      Peter Ouma, Monica E Parise, Mary J Hamel, Feiko O Ter Kuile, Kephas Otieno, John G Ayisi, Piet A Kager, Richard W Steketee, Laurence Slutsker, Anna M Van Eijk (Public Library of Science, 2006)
      Objectives: Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) is an antimalarial drug that acts on the folate metabolism of the malaria parasite. We investigated whether folate (FA) supplementation in a high or a low dose affects the ...
    • Rapid Assessment of Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) in Nairobi and Mombasa counties, Kenya: A Respondent Driven Sampling Survey 

      33. Gabriel O Dida, Francis Oguya , Francisca Ongecha, Patrick Mureithi , Helgar Musyoka, Nicholas Muraguri , Ben Mundia , Caleb Angira, Mohammed Shose, Taib A. Basheeb , Abdalla Ahmed Mohamed, , John P. Oyore , Otieno G. Ochieng , Saade Abdalla, Reychard Abdool (research square, 2020)
      Background: A Cross-sectional Rapid Situational Assessment of Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) applying Respondent Driven sampling techniques (RDS) was used to recruit subjects/participants in a study aimed at assessing HIV ...
    • Rapid detection of carbapenemase-producing Acinetobacter baumannii and carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae using a bioluminescence-based phenotypic... 

      Almsick, Vincent V; Ghebremedhin, Beniam; Pfennigwerth, Niels (Elsevier, 2014-04-01)
      Accurate detection of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) and carbapenemase-producing carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp. (CP-CRA) constitutes a major challenge in laboratory diagnostics. We developed a ...
    • Rapid Epidemiological Appraisal of Spatial Distribution of Animal Bite Injury Cases and Rabies Post Exposure Prophylaxis in Kisumu County, Kenya 

      Omemo Peter, Job Wasonga, Morvan Omollo, Joy Adhiambo, Redemptah Yeda (Research Square, 2020)
      Animal bites in humans provide an important source of epidemiological information which is crucial in enhancing rabies surveillance in humans and animals. Rabies post exposure prophylaxis consumes substantial resources ...
    • Rapid Situational Assessment of People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Nairobi and Coastal regions of Kenya: A Respondent Driven Sampling Survey 

      33. Gabriel O Dida, Francis Oguya , Francisca Ongecha, Patrick Mureithi , Helgar Musyoka, Nicholas Muraguri , Ben Mundia , Caleb Angira, Mohammed Shose, Taib A. Basheeb , Abdalla Ahmed Mohamed, , John P. Oyore , Otieno G. Ochieng , Saade Abdalla, Reychard Abdool (Research Gate, 2020)
      Background: A Cross-sectional Rapid Situational Assessment of People Who Inject Drug (PWIDs) applying Respondent Driven sampling techniques (RDS) was used to recruit subjects/participants in a study aimed at assessing ...
    • Rate of financial return to university schooling among lecturers in two public universities in Kenya 

      TO Rugar, TMO Ayodo, JO Agak (Academic Journals, 2010-05-01)
      Influence of education on earnings among workers is well documented. However, the level of relationship that exists between earnings and schooling among lecturers in public universities in Kenya remain undetermined. The ...
    • The rate of outcrossing in grain amaranths 

      S. G. Agong P. O. Ayiecho (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 1991-09-01)
      Studies of intra specific and inter specific out crossing rates were carried out for grain amaranths using two populations of A. hypochondriacus (populations 1008 and 1024) and two populations of A. cruentus (populations ...
    • Rationale, Design, and the Baseline Characteristics of the RHDGen (The Genetics of Rheumatic Heart Disease) Network Study 

      Tafadzwa Machipisa, Chishala Chishala, Gasnat Shaboodien, Liesl J Zühlke, Babu Muhamed, Shahiemah Pandie, Jantina de Vries, Nakita Laing, Alexia Joachim, Rezeen Daniels, Mpiko Ntsekhe, Christopher T Hugo-Hamman, Bernard Gitura, Stephen Ogendo, Peter Lwabi, Emmy Okello, Albertino Damasceno, Celia Novela, Ana O Mocumbi, Geoffrey Madeira, John Musuku, Agnes Mtaja, Ahmed ElSayed, Huda HM Alhassan, Fidelia Bode-Thomas, Christopher Yilgwan, Ganiyu Amusa, Esin Nkereuwem, Nicola Mulder, Raj Ramesar, Maia Lesosky, Heather J Cordell, Michael Chong, Bernard Keavney, Guillaume Paré, Mark E Engel, RHDGen Network Consortium† (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2023)
      The genetics of rheumatic heart disease (RHDGen) Network was developed to assist the discovery and validation of genetic variations and biomarkers of risk for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in continental Africans, as a ...
    • Rationale, Design, and the Baseline Characteristics of the RHDGen (The Genetics of Rheumatic Heart Disease) Network Study† 

      Tafadzwa Machipisa, , Chishala Chishala, , Gasnat Shaboodien, Liesl J. Zühlke, Babu Muhamed, Shahiemah Pandie, Jantina de Vries, , Nakita Laing, Alexia Joachim, RN Rezeen Daniels, Mpiko Ntsekhe, Christopher T. Hugo-Hamman, Bernard Gitura,Stephen Ogendo, Peter Lwabi, , Emmy Okello, Albertino Damasceno, Celia Novela, RN, Ana O. Mocumbi, Geoffrey Madeira, John Musuku, Agnes Mtaja, , Ahmed ElSayed, Huda H.M. Alhassan, Fidelia Bode-Thomas, Christopher Yilgwan, Ganiyu Amusa, Esin Nkereuwem, Nicola Mulder, Raj Ramesar, Maia Lesosky, Heather J. Cordell, Michael Chong, Bernard Keavney, BM,, Guillaume Paré, Mark E. Enge (AHA, 2023)
      BACKGROUND: The genetics of rheumatic heart disease (RHDGen) Network was developed to assist the discovery and validation of genetic variations and biomarkers of risk for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in continental ...
    • (Re)Designing Land Tenure to Meet Housing Needs of The Urban Poor: Implementing Community Land Trusts In Kenya 

      Midheme, Emmanuel Paul Ooko (Planum Association, 2013)
      The sheer pace of urbanisation in Kenya today far outstrips the ability of the state to provide housing for the ever-expanding urban population. Implicated in this housing crisis are existing forms of land and housing ...
    • Re-imagining teacher education for a post-pandemic future 

      Asha Kanwar, Betty Ogange (Commonwealth of Learning (COL), 2021)
      To help Commonwealth governments and institutions use technologies to improve and expand learning for sustainable development
    • Reachability in complete t-ary trees 

      Abayo, Sylvester Arthur; Okoth, Isaac Owino; Kasyoki, Donnie Munyao (Annals of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2023-10-01)
      Mathematical trees such as Cayley trees, plane trees, binary trees, noncrossing trees, t-ary trees among others have been studied extensively. Reachability of vertices as a statistic has been studied in Cayley trees, plane ...
    • Reachability results in labelled t-ary trees 

      Isaac Owino Okoth, Albert Oloo Nyariaro (Open Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2021)
      In this paper, we prove some new formulas in the enumeration of labelled t-ary trees by path lengths. We treat trees having their edges oriented from a vertex of lower label towards a vertex of higher label. Among other ...
    • Reaching youth with the peace message 

      Michael Owiso (Dr. Gerald J. Wanjohi, 1995)
      The youth in the world and particularly in Africa, are seen to be the most active in the different wars of our times. In Rwanda, images of young people were anstantly featured on our T. V screens, canying guns and executing ...