Now showing items 681-700 of 2881

      Channels, Dissemination, Research Findings, Utilization, Fisher folks [1]
      character degree, finite groups, solvable groups [1]
      character degree, nonsolvable group, simple group [1]
      characteristics, chlorophyll, effects, gas exchange, irrigation, leaves, mangoes, measurement, moisture content, morphology, plant height, plant physiology, root shoot ratio, rootstocks, seedlings, soil, soil water, soil water content, stress, water deficit, water stress, wilting [1]
      Chassis, SolidWorks, Ansys [1]
      Cheating, Ethical behavior, Student dis-honesty, Student misconduct, Theory of Reasoned Action [1]
      Checklist of plants, University Botanic Garden of Maseno (UBGM), Uses of plants) [1]
      chemical and physical properties of zeolites; catalytic efficacy [1]
      Chemical composition, Croton nut, degradability, Gas production technique, Processing. [1]
      chemical composition, drought, drought resistance, dry matter, grafting, growth, leaf area, plant composition, plant physiology, roots, rootstocks, scions, soil water, stems, tea, water content, water relations, water stress [1]
      chemical composition, environmental factors, genotype environment interaction, genotypes, nutrient content, plant composition, survival, tea, trace elements [1]
      Chemical quality, Agro economic activities, Ngangao forests, Probeware, Phosphate tablate [1]
      Chemistry [6]
      Chemistry, Materials science, Mathematics and computing Physics [1]
      chemokines, duffy antigen type, prostate cancer, cytokine, blood group antigens, chemokine receptors, interleukin-10, interleukin-8, malaria, polymerase chain reaction [1]
      Chemometrics; hyperspectral imaging; PCA; PLS–DA; Sceletium crassicaule; Sceletium tortuosum [1]
      Chemometrics; hyperspectral imaging; PCA; PLS–DA;Sceletium crassicaule;Sceletium tortuosum [1]
      chicken, genetic parameters, natural antibodies, specific antibodies [1]
      child abuse, neglect, Mothers, fathers [1]
      child adjustment; child externalizing behavior; corporal punishment; political violence; parenting; parenting violence; sectarian violence [1]