Now showing items 230-249 of 2881

      Africa development policy policy gridlocks policy formulation policy implementation [1]
      Africa region, coronavirus, COVID-19, data reporting, pandemic response [1]
      Africa, creatinine, guideline adherence, HIV, renal insufficiency, tenofovir. [1]
      Africa, Sustainable Development Goals, COVID-19 [1]
      African hospitality, Ubuntu, Christian social practice, foreigner, see-reflect-act, praxis [1]
      African kale, African indigenous vegetables, and intercropping [1]
      African leafy vegetables, in-situ, ex-situ conservatio [1]
      African leafy vegetables; harvesting stages; locations of production; nutrients; recommended dietary allowances; western; Kenya [1]
      African leafy vegetables; harvesting stages; locations of production; nutrients; recommended dietary allowances; western; Kenya. [1]
      African literature, Kiswahili, literary models [1]
      African nightshades. Characterization, Solanum scabrum, Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. [1]
      African theology; African women’s theology; community; re-imagining; Africa [1]
      African universities, graduate-level training, Gulu University, human capacity constraint, thematic area-based PhD model [1]
      Age, Adjustment, Re-admitted teenage mothers, Secondary schools, Ugenya, Kenya. [1]
      Age, career indecision, career readiness, students [1]
      Agency banking [1]
      Aggregation, Leslie Matrix, Migration, population. [1]
      aggression ;cultural differences ;parent behavioral control ;parent warmth; rule‐breaking [1]
      aggression, cultural differences, parent behavioral control, parent warmth, rule‐breaking [1]