Now showing items 186-205 of 2881

      adaptation traits, biochemical mechanisms, Fe-toxicity tolerance, physiological mechanisms, rice. [1]
      Adaptation, Agronomic characteristics, Chenopodium quinoa, Quinoa, Under-utilized crops, University of Kwa-Zulu Natal and University of Nairobi, Department of Plant Science and Crop Protection [1]
      Adenocarcinoma; prostate cancer; histomorphology [1]
      Adenocarcinoma; Prostein; Biomarker; Prostate; Immunohistochemistry [1]
      Adherence, Anaemia, Child, Preschool, Dietary supplements, Iron, Non-inferiority Fortification [1]
      Adherence, National malaria treatment guidelines, Uganda [1]
      Adherence; COVID-19; Control guidelines [2]
      Adipogenesis; antioxidants; hyperlipidaemia; leguminocea; senna didymobotrya [1]
      adjustment, re-admitted teenage mothers, school categories, secondary schools, Kenya [1]
      Administration [1]
      Administration, leadership, schools [1]
      Administration, support, implementation, games, academic, secondary, schools, Kenya [1]
      Adolescence ,Culture,International ,Parenting,Positive development [1]
      adolescence, aggression, culture, delinquency, international, peers [1]
      Adolescence, attachment, conflicts, parent–adolescent relationships, romantic relationships [1]
      Adolescence; Culture; International; Parenting ;Positive development [1]
      adolescence; maturity; law; age of majority; cross-national [1]
      Adolescence;internal body state;harsh and predictable environment;Fast-life history behavioral profiles [1]
      adolescent, child development, culture, education, international, mental health, parenting, poverty, Sustainable Development Goals, well-being [1]
      Adolescents , Sensation seeking , Parenting , Substance use , Temperament [1]