Now showing items 1788-1807 of 2881

      Livestock Production; Household Food Security; Small-Scale Mixed Farmers; Semi-Arid Lands; Nyakach [1]
      livestock-fish culture, integration, East Africa [1]
      livestockrecording, breeding goal, climate change [1]
      Location on-mound, off-mound, vegetation lifeforms, abundance [1]
      Locus of Control, Career Decision Self-efficacy, Career Indecision, Gender and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. [1]
      Locus of control, Stress management, High school, Principals, Kenya [1]
      Lonchocarpus eriocalyx, Fabaceae, Leaves, Terpenoids, Analgesic Activity [1]
      Long term nitrogen, high yielding clone, NPK formulations, splitting annual fertilizer application, plucking rounds, yields [1]
      Low birth weight, Small for gestational age, Prospective cohort, Artemisinins, Sub-Saharan Africa, Pharmacovigilance [1]
      Low vision, training, challenges and strategies, learners [1]
      LPA, GeneXpert, Sensitivity, Specificity, Drug-resistant TB. [1]
      Lungs, Variation, Fissure [1]
      Lutsotso,valence, passive, reciprocal, reflexives, stative [1]
      Maasai Mau forest, conservation, social networks, decision making, ecotourism, host community, Maasai Mau community [1]
      Macro- and micropaleontology; Paleoclimatology and paleoceanography; Soils/pedology; [1]
      Macroinvertebrates, Physico-chemical Indicators, River Health, Kuywa River [2]
      macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF); genetic polymorphism; parasitemia; severe malaria [1]
      Magnetic, Non-magnetic, Bio-Plex, Multiplex, Plasmodium falciparum antigens [1]
      magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow, magnetic field, NavierStokes equations, porous plate, analytic solution [1]
      Maigizo, Tamthilia, Mbinu, Ufundishaji [1]