Now showing items 1415-1434 of 2876

      Girl-Child, Socio-Cultural perspective, Challenges, Sanitary Ware, Demystify [1]
      Global Food Security and Environmental Health [1]
      Globalization, university education, human resources, innovation, research capacity, quality assurance. [2]
      glucose oxidase;Genes/Proteins;glucose [1]
      Gnidia apiculata; 3,800- flavanone-flavonol dimer; gnidiflavanone-flavonol; primula-type flavones; antiplasmodial [1]
      Good Governance, Citizen Participation, Service Delivery, Devolution [1]
      governance framework, Kisumu city, circular economy, waste resources, recycling, return fund, solid waste management [1]
      Government Expenditure, Gross Domestic Product, Transport Infrastructure, Cointergration, Granger Causuality [1]
      Government expenditure, Infrastructure, Economic Integration, FK framework, Panel, Poverty, East African Community. [1]
      GR24,millet,parasiticplant,post-attachmentresistance,rhizotrons,witchweed [1]
      Graduates, Gulu University, higher education, labor market [1]
      Gram-negative bacteria; Multidrug resistance; Carbapenemase; Rapid detection; Phenotypic screening [1]
      Graphic design, small furniture enterprise, advertising, awareness [1]
      Gray leaf spot,Cercospora zeina,Population genetics,Microsatellite,Migration,Mating type,Africa [1]
      Grazing, Understorey, Primary production, Nutrients, Ruma national park [1]
      Green Management Practices, Determinants, Hotels in Kenya [1]
      Green supply chain, environmental performance, sustainability [1]
      Greenhouse gases (GHGs) [1]
      Greenhouse gases, Manure, Nutrient use efficiency, Maize yield [1]
      greenhouse, Oreochromis niloticus, growth, temperature, protein [1]