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Influence of dyke characteristics on human activities of the community in lower river Nyando basin, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2024)Construction of dykes along several rivers in the world is one of the practical methods to minimize risks of flood events on riparian communities. Globally, one eighth of the world‟s settlement area is vulnerable to flooding ... -
Influence of agricultural systems on household food security in Rarieda sub county, Siaya county, Kenya
(Maseno university, 2024)The number of people lacking food security globally has continued to rise, despite the numerous global interventions that have been put in place to address it. For instance, approximately 2.3 billion people (25.9%) lack ... -
The influence of artisanal gold mining on agricultural land in Ikolomani sub-county Kakamega county, Kenya
(2021)In the entire world, 40.5 million people were directly engaged in artisanal gold mining (AGM). In Kenya, AGM is characterized with; massive clearing of vegetation and land destruction in AGM areas, overnight conversion ... -
Environmental impact of rainfall variability In semi-arid areas: a case study of Baringo District, Kenya
(Maseno University college(Moi University), 1999)Studies in climatology have revealed that the weather patterns of the world have become very variable during the last half of the twentieth century. The causes of the variability have identified as sunspot activity, ... -
Effect of financial indicators on financial performance of micro finance institutions in Kenya
(Maseno University, 2017)Microfinance is the provision of a broad range of financial services such as deposits, loans, payment services, money transfers and insurance to the poor and low-income households and their micro enterprises. The sector ... -
Socio–Economic factors influencing fertility behaviour in Maseno Division, Kisumu West Sub-County, Kenya
(2017)Fertility behaviour issues are a concern of many governments and organizations in several countries. Documentation of children ever born is important in understanding fertility behaviour of a region. Fertility bevahiour ... -
Analysis of adoption of modern Agricultural technologies by women in Luanda and Emuhaya sub- counties, VIhiga county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)The agrarian revolution of the 18th century witnessed the advent of modern agricultural technologies (MATs) such as use of fertilizers increased agricultural yields. Many women are engaged in agricultural activities. However ... -
Effects of Epigeal Termitaria physiography, altitude and location on vegetation lifeforms abundance in Katolo sub-location, Kisumu county, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2018)Termite mounds differ in their physiography (basal radii and heights) as well as altitudinal locations and host more vegetation assemblages ascribed partly to their conducive physiography and possibly elevated nutrients ... -
The Influence of Household Characteristics and Agricultural Practices on Food Security in Semi Arid Agro-Ecological Zones of Nyakach Sub-County, Kisumu County, Kenya
(Maseno University, 2017)The world is facing decreasing food production from agriculture, especially in Africa where smallholder farming provides most of the food. The importance of agriculture in food provision at household and national levels ...