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dc.contributor.authorMbagaya, Catherine
dc.contributor.authorMigunde, Quinter
dc.contributor.authorOthuon, Lucas
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to determine the predictors of career indecision by gender. A sample of 359 (162 male and 197 female) secondary school students were surveyed on career indecision, career readiness, locus of control, vocational identity, self esteem, social support and career decision making self efficacy. Using multiple regression analysis, the predictor variables were able to account for 32.9 % of variance in males and 32.8% variance in females. Career readiness and vocational identity emerged as the strongest predictors of career indecision for female students while career readiness, external locus of control and vocational identity emerged as the strongest predictors of career indecision for male students. The results demonstrate the importance of providing students with adequate career information, encouraging them to explore and engage in activities related to career decision making and helping students come up with clear career goals.en_US
dc.subjectCareer Indecision, Career Readiness, Locus Of Control, Secondary School Students, Genderen_US
dc.titleGender differences in the predictors of career indecision of secondary school students in Kenyaen_US

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