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dc.contributor.authorOnderi, Peter Omae
dc.contributor.authorOpondo, Christine Mwajuma
dc.description.abstractIt is expected that students in higher educational institutions should experience financial wellness. Contrarily, a majority of them are facing financial distress. The study adopted a literature review method. The objective was to find out the causes of financial stress among students. The study revealed that financial stressors arise from money and finance issues, being a freshman, gender, school and peer pressure, and family background. The study recommends provision of free food accommodation and increase in subsistence. Parents should provide their children with enough finances.en_US
dc.publisherIGI Globalen_US
dc.subjectHigher Education / Information Science Reference / Mental Health & Behavioral Studies / Social Sciences & Humanitiesen_US
dc.titleFinancial Stressors Among Students in Higher Educational Institutionsen_US

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