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dc.contributor.authorOnderi, Peter Omae
dc.contributor.authorOginda, Moses
dc.descriptionSource title: Student Well-Being in Higher Education Institutions.(Book). DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4417-0.ch013.en_US
dc.description.abstractStudents who spend much of their time on social media are likely to struggle with time management and become less productive in their studies due to distractions by constant alerts, endless scrolling feeds, and the appeal of viral material. The chapter proposed to discuss, social networking sites, academic performance, social opportunities, and challenges. The findings were that social media helps university students get necessary information for their academic achievement, it creates stress, and it exposes them to cyberbullying, is addictive, causes sleep disorders and anxiety, and can help them make money online. The study recommended that the social media use at university should be restricted to academic use only and here should be provide adequate Wi-Fi hotspots within the universities.en_US
dc.publisherStudents who spend much of their time on social media are likely to struggle with time management and become less productive in their studies due to distractions by constant alerts, endless scrolling feeds, and the appeal of viral material. The chapter proposed to discuss, social networking sites, academic performance, social opportunities, and challenges. The findings were that social media helps university students get necessary information for their academic achievement, it creates stress, and it exposes them to cyberbullying, is addictive, causes sleep disorders and anxiety, and can help them make money online. The study recommended that the social media use at university should be restricted to academic use only and here should be provide adequate Wi-Fi hotspots within the universities.en_US
dc.subjectHigher Education ; Information Science Reference ; Psychology ; Social Sciences & Humanitiesen_US
dc.titleImpact of Social Media on Student Wellbeing in Kenyan Universitiesen_US

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