dc.description.abstract | Trees are acyclic connected graphs. Plane trees, d-ary trees, binary trees, non
crossing trees and their generalizations, which are families of trees, have been enumerated by
many authors using various statistics. These trees are known to be enumerated by Catalan or
Catalan-like formulas (Fuss-Catalan numbers). One of the most common approaches to the
enumeration of these trees is by means of generating functions. Another method that can be
used to enumerate them is by constructing bijections between sets of the same cardinality. The
bijective method is preferred to other methods by many combinatorialists. So, in this paper, we
construct bijections relating k-plane trees, k-noncrossing increasing trees, k-noncrossing trees,
k-binary trees and weakly labelled k-trees. | en_US |