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dc.contributor.authorJoseph Akeyo Omolo
dc.description.abstractThis paper develops a procedure for obtaining progressively improving approximate solutions of the WKB (semiclassical ) model of the stationary Schroedinger equation through factorization and successive boost transformations of the resultant equivalent matrix equation. Each order of approximation provides an amplitude-modulated “plane” wave function specified by a renormalized momentum. A simple binomial expansion of the renormalized momentum allows exact evaluation of the phase accumulation integral for studying basic features of the dynamics in arbitrary potentials. For a linear potential, the probability density profile reveals the expected confinement of the particle within the allowed energy region.en_US
dc.publisherResearch gateen_US
dc.subjectfactorization; matrix form; accuracy levels; boost transformation; renormalized momentum; confinement PACS Nos. +00.; 04.62. + v; 12.39. − x; 12.39.Jh; 12.39.P n; 98.80.Cq; 98.70.V cen_US
dc.titleProgressively accurate WKB approximations through factorization and successive boost transformationsen_US

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