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dc.contributor.authorJoseph Akeyo Omolo
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents a precise algebraic and physical framework for studying the dynamics and practical applications of the quantum Rabi model. We redefine the quantum Rabi interaction in terms of polariton and anti-polariton qubits generated by the Jaynes-Cummings and anti-Jaynes-Cummings interactions, respectively. The formation of a polariton qubit involves absorption or emission of positive energy photon by the field mode, while the formation of an anti-polariton qubit involves absorption or emission of negative energy photon by the field mode, triggered by initial emission or absorption of positive energy photon by the atom. A polariton or anti-polariton qubit is a two-state quantized particle specified by two state vectors, Hamiltonian, conserved excitation number, identity, state transition, U(1)-symmetry, parity-symmetry, SU(2)/U(1)-symmetry and SU(1, 1)/U(1)-symmetry operators. Superpositions of the qubit state vectors provide the eigenvectors and energy eigenvalues of the respective Hamiltonians. The polariton or anti-polariton qubit state transition operator defined within the two-dimensional subspace spanned by the qubit state vectors has algebraic properties equivalent to the algebraic properties of an atomic spin state transition operator (Pauli matrix) σx, leading to a photospin interpretation of a polariton or anti-polariton qubit. Dynamical evolution describing Rabi oscillations between qubit states is easily evaluated and basic features of the dynamics are determined explicitly. The similarity of polariton and anti-polariton qubits to the atomic spin qubits, i.e., the photospin picture, naturally leads to the introduction of a quantum Rabi optical lattice as a geometrical framework for studying the dynamics and physical properties of systems of interacting polariton and anti-polariton qubits.en_US
dc.publisherResearch gateen_US
dc.titlePolariton and anti-polariton qubits in the Rabi modelen_US

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