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dc.contributor.authorNyabundi, K.W.
dc.contributor.authorOwuor, P.O.
dc.contributor.authorNetondo, G.W.
dc.contributor.authorBore, J.K.
dc.description.abstractThe tea crop provides income and employment to rural populations in many countries. In Kenya, tea, which is the leading export commodity crop, is grown in highlands east and west of the Rift Valley at altitudes ranging from 1300 m to 2700 m above mean sea level. Variable responses of tea genotypes to different environments have been demonstrated. This affects the growth, productivity, and quality of tea. However, most tea husbandry practices are uniform across tea growing regions leading to variations in yields and quality in the different environments. Understanding causes of variations in tea growth parameters and yields to varying environments is vital to optimizing husbandry practices for maximization of productivity. The responses in growth and yield parameters of clonal tea to locations of production and their contribution to yields were compared. A genotype× …en_US
dc.publisherScientific Research Publishingen_US
dc.titleGenotype and environment interactions of yields and yield components of tea (Camellia sinensis) cultivars in Kenyaen_US

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