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dc.contributor.authorOwuor, PO
dc.contributor.authorKamau, David M
dc.contributor.authorJondiko, Erick O
dc.description.abstractVariations in requirements for tea production in Kenya and factors controlling growth and production of secondary metabolites responsible for the quality parameters are indicative of the need for non-uniform recommendations. Nitrogen is the main nutrient for which tea shows easily demonstrable yield and quality responses. Fertilizer applications at rates between 100 and 250 kg N/ha/year of NPKS 25: 5: 5: 5 are currently recommended in tea production. Although yield and black tea quality variations with nitrogen rates had been observed in the past, the studies were at single geographical locations. Where comparisons were done at different locations, the genotypes were different making it impossible to isolate environmental and genotypic effects. The response of single genotype to varying rates of nitrogen in the major tea growing areas has not been reported. Consequently, it is not …en_US
dc.titleThe influence of geographical area of production and nitrogenous fertiliser on yields and quality parameters of clonal teaen_US

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