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dc.contributor.authorMary Wangari Kinyanjui, Peter JO Aloka, Sabina K Mutisya, Florentina Ndunge Ndeke, Naphtal Michira Nyang’ara
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study was to determine Classroom Reinforcement Schedules and Their Effectiveness in Selected Kenyan Primary Schools. The study employed a Mixed Methods design in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The target population teachers and pupils from public primary schools. Data was collected by using questionnaires and interview schedules. Quantitative data was analyzed using inferential statistics while Qualitative data was analyzed by using the thematic and content analysis. The study reported on the use of praise, tangible items such as games and money were also moderately often used by the teachers. The participants also used both Continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement schedules. The study recommends that, schools should enhance token economy programs which have long term effect. Moreover, teachers should deepen their knowledge on token economy programs for academic success.en_US
dc.publisherJournal of Educational and Social Researchen_US
dc.subjectClassroom, Reinforcement, Strategies, effectiveness, Public, Primary Schoolsen_US
dc.titleClassroom Reinforcement Schedules and Their Effectiveness in Selected Kenyan Primary Schoolsen_US

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