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dc.contributor.authorWA Manyonge, DW Kiema, CCW Iyaya
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we examine the motion of a two dimensional steady flow of a viscous, electrically conducting, incompressible fluid flowing between two infinite parallel porous plates under the influence of transverse magnetic field and constant pressure gradient. The lower plate is assumed porous while the upper plate is not. The resulting coupled governing equation of motion is solved analytically by an analytical method. Analytical expression for the fluid velocity obtained is expressed in terms of Hartmann number. The effects of the magnetic inclinations to the velocity are discussed graphically. The solution of this equation is important, for example in the design of MHD power generators. AMS Subject Classification: 76W05en_US
dc.subjectmagnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow, magnetic field, NavierStokes equations, porous plate, analytic solutionen_US
dc.titleSteady MHD poiseuille flow between two infinite parallel porous plates in an inclined magnetic fielden_US

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