Now showing items 130-149 of 207

      Lead, copper, carbon nanotubes, polypyrrole, adsorption [1]
      Leaf nutrients, polyphenols, clonal tea, genotypes, nitrogen fertilizers, seasons, plucking intervals geographcal area of production, East Africa [1]
      Linear, non-linear, isotherms, adsorption, sulfadimethoxine, clay [1]
      Long term nitrogen, high yielding clone, NPK formulations, splitting annual fertilizer application, plucking rounds, yields [1]
      Mara River basin, land use, water physicochemical parameters, nutrients loading [1]
      metribuzin, sorption, leaching, tropical soils. [1]
      mixed-contaminated site; soil washing; tea saponin; peanut oil; vetiver grass cultivation; Tenax extraction [1]
      Mixed-contaminated site;Soil washing;Sunflower oil;Carboxymethyl chitosan;Microbial augmentation; [1]
      Monoterpenes; 2-Isopropyl 5-methyl-3,6-dioxocyclo hexa-1,4-dien-1-yl acetate; Carvacrol; Cis-3- hydroxypiperitone; Anti MRSA; Anti-cryptococc [1]
      municipal waste incineration fly ash, geopolymer, endosulfan, adsorption, water [1]
      myxobacteria; terpene–nucleoside; biosynthesis; antibiotics; sorangiadenosine; 2-hydroxysorangiadenosine; secondary metabolites; genome-mining; antibiotics; natural products discovery [1]
      Nanoscale zero-valent iron Hydroxyl radicals 2-chlorobiphenyl Oxidative degradation [1]
      Nanotechnology, nanocarriers, drug delivery, tropical diseases, nanoencapsulation [1]
      Natural coagulant, Maerua subcordata, Turbidity, nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU). [1]
      Neuroprotection,Molecules,Flavonoids,Toxicity,Structural characteristics [1]
      Nitrogen rates; plucking intervals; location of production; soil organic carbon; soil pH; Clone TRFK 6/8; Kenya; Rwanda; Tanzania [1]
      Ñavanols, ([)epicatechin, ([)epigallocatechin gallate, ([)epicatechin gallate, theaÑavin, thearubigin, astringency, brightness, ca†eine. [1]
      Ocimum kilimandscharicum, Lamiaceae, Contact toxicity, Anti-feedant activity, Acclimatized [1]
      OCPs; 1,2,4-TCB; Persistence; Microbia;l degradation; HRGC-HRMS PRC [1]
      Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), Passive sampling, Water-air fugacity ratio, Sources and distribution, Risk assessment [1]