Now showing items 21-40 of 42

      linguistic conceptualization, belief systems, mental images, cultural context, interviews, Kenya [1]
      Lutsotso,valence, passive, reciprocal, reflexives, stative [1]
      Metaphor, source-domain, target-domain, cross-domain mappings [1]
      Monitoring and evaluation, programme objectives, management agencies. [1]
      Morphology, Patronymic, Gender names, Affixation [1]
      national symbol, national anthem, RoSS, paradoxes [1]
      Peace, Relevance, Lexical, Concepts, Ad Hoc Concept, Conflict, Conflict Management [1]
      politeness, Face Threatening Acts (FTA), face, maxims, negative politeness, positive politeness [1]
      Political Utterances, Hate Speech, Context [1]
      Pragmatic, Social media, Images, Face book Users, Political Discourse, Kenya [1]
      Pseudo-reduplication, syllable, phonological doubling, morphological doubling, daughter input, reduplicant input and mother node. [1]
      s Translation, Dholuo, Lexemes, Adaptation [1]
      sense, meronymy, holonym, canonical, facultative [1]
      Short Message Service, Kenyan, Syntactic, Variation, Use [1]
      Songs, Sungusia, Social trends, Social concerns. [1]
      Speech to text, Kiswahili, low resource languages, automatic speech transcription [2]
      Status, Subject Marker, Object Marker, Clitic, Incorporated Pronominal, Bantu [1]
      Subject Marker, Object Marker, Verbal Complex, Movement, Incorporation, Lowering, Raising [1]
      Text messages, Whatsapp, Politeness strategies, Speech acts, CMC. [1]
      Translation, non-equivalence, translation strategies, kinship terms, source language, target language [1]