Effect of Microfinance Services on the Financial Empowerment of Youth in Migori County, Kenya
Abstract/ Overview
The current global youth population is the largest in history. Of the world's 3 billion people
estimated to be under the age of 25, approximately 1.3 billion are between the ages of 15
and 24. This group is faced with imminent poverty. Attempts to alleviate the youth from this
poverty level have been carried out in as many places as are the methods. For example, it is
agreed that loans, by increasing family income, can help the youth to accumulate their own
capital and invest in employment-generating activities. However, as development takes
place, one question that arises is the extent to which credit can be offered to these youths to
facilitate their taking advantage of the developing entrepreneurial activities, which in turn
can help in efforts to fight poverty among them. This is because poverty among the youth is
still prevalent. Under half of the 1.3 billion young people live on less than two dollars a …